On Sat, Feb 18, 2012 at 5:34 PM, Don Baccus <dhog...@pacifier.com> wrote:
> On Feb 18, 2012, at 1:43 PM, Christopher Browne wrote:
>> A hierarchy like the following is perfectly logical:
>> - 0000 to 0999 :: Cash accounts [1]
> I asked earlier if anyone would expect 01 like '0%' to match …
> Apparently so!

Yes, and I was intentionally treating this as an oddity.

> Your example is actually a good argument for storing account ids as text, 
> because '0000' like '0%' *will* match.


The trouble is that if you use the term "account NUMBER" enough times,
some portion of people will think that it's a number in the sense that
it should be meaningful to add and subtract against them.

> "I'd think it nearly insane if someone was expecting '3%' to match not
> only the '3000 thru 3999' series, but also '300 to 399' and "30 to 39"
> and "3"."
> How is PG supposed to know that integers compared to strings are always to be 
> padded out to precisely 4 digits?

I think it's not quite right to treat it as "how is PG supposed to
know."  The problem is a bit more abstract; it occurs without having a
database involved.

The notion that the ranges (3), (30-39), (300-399), and (3000-3999)
ought to be considered connected together in the account number
classification is what seems crazy to me.  But that's what "account
number starts with a 3" could be expected to imply.

At any rate, yes, this is liable to point the Lone Ranger towards
solutions that involve him not riding off into the sunset!
When confronted by a difficult problem, solve it by reducing it to the
question, "How would the Lone Ranger handle this?"

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