On 02/10/2012 01:14 PM, Peter Eisentraut wrote:
The auto_explain module appears to create invalid JSON (in all versions
since 9.0).  For example, with the settings

auto_explain.log_format = 'json'
auto_explain.log_min_duration = 0

the query

select * from pg_type;

produces this in the log:

LOG:  duration: 529.808 ms  plan:
           "Query Text": "select * from pg_type;",
           "Plan": {
             "Node Type": "Seq Scan",
             "Relation Name": "pg_type",
             "Alias": "pg_type",
             "Startup Cost": 0.00,
             "Total Cost": 9.87,
             "Plan Rows": 287,
             "Plan Width": 611

Note that at the top level, it uses the array delimiters [ ] for what is
actually an object (key/value).  Running this through a JSON parser will

By contrast, EXPLAIN (FORMAT JSON) on the command line produces:

             QUERY PLAN
      "Plan": {
        "Node Type": "Seq Scan",
        "Relation Name": "pg_type",
        "Alias": "pg_type",
        "Startup Cost": 0.00,
        "Total Cost": 9.87,
        "Plan Rows": 287,
        "Plan Width": 611
(1 row)

Yeah, looks like this dates back to when we first got JSON output.

Auto-explain does this:

     ExplainQueryText(&es, queryDesc);
     ExplainPrintPlan(&es, queryDesc);

But ExplainBeginOutput says:

          /* top-level structure is an array of plans */
          appendStringInfoChar(es->str, '[');

Now that's not true in the auto-explain case, which prints one query + one plan.

Since this is an exposed API, I don't think we can just change it. We probably need a new API that does the right thing for beginning and ending auto_explain output. (ExplainBeginLabeledOutput?)



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