Christopher Browne <> writes:

> On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 8:32 PM, Johann 'Myrkraverk' Oskarsson
> <> wrote:
>> I mean to create a typed hstore, called tstore for now.  I'm open
>> to name suggestions.  It'll only support a subset of core Postgres
>> types to begin with.  Keys are always text, it's the value that's
>> typed.

> JSON is the "thing of the day" that it would be desirable for this to
> be potent enough to represent, and JSON has the following types:
> 1.  Number (in practice, FLOAT)
> 2.  String (UTF-8)
> 3.  Boolean (t/f)
> 4.  Array (not necessarily of uniform type
> 5.  Object (string key, JSON value pairs, unordered)
> 6.  NULL
> #4 and #5 are obviously entirely more "hairy."

Not so much if I extend tstore to include itself.

Unless I'm mistaking the Object type.  I'm not a user of JSON myself.
How are people likely to use it with it?

   Johann Oskarsson          |[]
   PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training and Services  --+--

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