On 2011-11-15 22:04, Tom Lane wrote:
Robert Haas<robertmh...@gmail.com>  writes:
Oh.  I was thinking "dead" meant "no longer visible to anyone".   But
it sounds what we call "unremovable" here is what we elsewhere call
"recently dead".
Would have to look at the code to be sure, but I think that
"nonremovable" is meant to count both live tuples and
dead-but-still-visible-to-somebody tuples.

The question that I think needs to be asked is why it would be useful
to track this using the pgstats mechanisms.  By definition, the
difference between this and the live-tuple count is going to be
extremely unstable --- I don't say small, necessarily, but short-lived.
So it's debatable whether it's worth memorializing the count obtained
by the last VACUUM at all.  And doing it through pgstats is an expensive
thing.  We've already had push-back about the size of the stats table
on large (lots-o-tables) databases.  Adding another counter will impose
a performance overhead on everybody, whether they care about this number
or not.

What's more, to the extent that I can think of use-cases for knowing
this number, I think I would want a historical trace of it --- that is,
not only the last VACUUM's result but those of previous VACUUM cycles.
So pgstats seems like it's both expensive and useless for the purpose.

Before reviewing this patch I didn't even know these kind of dead rows could exist. Now I know it, I expect that if I wanted to know the current number, I would start looking at table statistics: pg_stat* or perhaps contrib/pgstattuple.

Looking at how that looks with transaction a the old version:

t=# begin TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL repeatable read;
t=# select * from t;
 i  | b
 10 | 2
(1 row)

in transaction b the new version:
t=# select * from t;
 i  | b
 10 | 4
(1 row)

after a vacuum of t:

stat_user_table counts:
n_tup_ins         | 1
n_tup_upd         | 6
n_tup_del         | 0
n_tup_hot_upd     | 6
n_live_tup        | 2
n_dead_tup        | 0
n_unremovable_tup | 1

t=# select * from pgstattuple('t');
-[ RECORD 1 ]------+------
table_len          | 8192
tuple_count        | 1
tuple_len          | 32
tuple_percent      | 0.39
dead_tuple_count   | 1
dead_tuple_len     | 32
dead_tuple_percent | 0.39
free_space         | 8080
free_percent       | 98.63

Apparently pg_stat* counts the recently_dead tuple under n_live_tup, else 2 is a wrong number, where pgstattuple counts recently_dead under dead_tuple_count. This could be a source of confusion. If there is any serious work considered here, IMHO at least the numbers of the two different sources of tuple counters should match in terminology and actual values. Maybe also if pgstattuple were to include the distinction unremovable dead tuples vs dead tuples, a log line by vacuum encountering unremovable dead tuples could refer to pgstattuple for statistics.

Yeb Havinga

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