2011/11/14 Shigeru Hanada <shigeru.han...@gmail.com>

> (2011/11/14 11:25), Robert Haas wrote:
> > My vote is to nuke 'em all.  :-)
> +1.
> IIRC, main purpose of supporting tableoid for foreign tables was to be
> basis of foreign table inheritance, which was not included in 9.1, and
> we have not supported it yet.  Other system columns are essentially
> garbage, but they survived at 9.1 development because (maybe) it seemed
> little odd to have system columns partially at that time.
> So, IMHO removing all system columns from foreign tables seems
> reasonable, unless it doesn't break any external tool seriously (Perhaps
> there would be few tools which assume that foreign tables have system
> columns).
> If there seems to be a consensus on removing system column from foreign
> tables, I'd like to work on this issue.  Attached is a halfway patch,
> and ISTM there is no problem so far.

I can say that at least PgAdmin doesn't use these columns.

Thom Brown
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