> > CREATE CONVERSION <conversion name>
> >        SOURCE <source encoding name>
> >        DESTINATION <destination encoding name>
> >        FROM <conversion function name>
> Doesn't a conversion currently require several support functions?
> How much overhead will you be adding to funnel them all through
> one function?

No, only one function is sufficient. What else do you think of?

> Basically I'd like to see a spec for the API of the conversion
> function...

That would be very simple (the previous example I gave was unnecessary
complex). The function signature would look like:

conversion_funcion(TEXT) RETURNS TEXT

It receives source text and converts it then returns it. That's all.

> Also, is there anything in SQL99 that we ought to try to be
> compatible with?

As far as I know there's no such an equivalent in SQL99.
Tatsuo Ishii

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