Excerpts from Bruce Momjian's message of lun oct 03 17:06:16 -0300 2011:
> Magnus Hagander wrote:
> > Well, how does the server get from the config file to where the state
> > file is? Can we do it the same way, or even expose it to the tools
> > using a commandline parameter or something?
> In that case (the Gentoo example), they use --data-directory
>     su -l postgres \
>         -c "env PGPORT=\"${PGPORT}\" ${PG_EXTRA_ENV} \
>             /usr/lib/postgresql-9.0/bin/pg_ctl \
>             start ${WAIT_FOR_START} -t ${START_TIMEOUT} -s -D ${DATA_DIR} \
>             -o '-D ${PGDATA} --data-directory=${DATA_DIR} \
>                 --silent-mode=true ${PGOPTS}'"
> We could have pg_ctl read that information from the command line for
> pg_ctl start, but for pg_ctl stop, we have no way of getting to that
> value.  :-(  It is not like something is missing from the code.  The
> user can start multiple clusters from a single config dir and the
> information they give gives us no way to know which cluster they want,
> or where is it located.  

Well, we have the Gentoo developer in this very thread.  I'm sure they
would fix their command line if we gave them a pg_ctl that worked.
Surely the package that contains the init script also contains pg_ctl,
so they would both be upgraded simultaneously.

Álvaro Herrera <alvhe...@commandprompt.com>
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support

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