Hi Michael,

(2011/09/21 12:52), Michael Paquier wrote:
> I am interested in the development you are doing regarding join push down
> and fdw stuff for remote postgreSQL servers.
> Is there a way to get the postgres fdw you are providing here for common
> 9.1?
> I saw that the tar you are providing here is adapted only for your patch.

As you say, the pgsql_fdw I posted requires my join-push-down patch.
But, at least in current revision, using PG_VERSION_NUM would make it
compile-able for both 9.1 and 9.2.  But I'm not sure that changes
required for 9.2 development cycle are enough small for this workaround.

Anyway, I'm going to publish recent pgsql_fdw for 9.1 on PGXN or
elsewhere, though it needs some (hopefully little) time.

Shigeru Hanada

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