On 09/19/2011 10:12 AM, Greg Stark wrote:
With the GPU I'm curious to see how well
it handles multiple processes contending for resources, it might be a
flashy feature that gets lots of attention but might not really be
very useful in practice. But it would be very interesting to see.

The main problem here is that the sort of hardware commonly used for production database servers doesn't have any serious enough GPU to support CUDA/OpenCL available. The very clear trend now is that all systems other than gaming ones ship with motherboard graphics chipsets more than powerful enough for any task but that. I just checked the 5 most popular configurations of server I see my customers deploy PostgreSQL onto (a mix of Dell and HP units), and you don't get a serious GPU from any of them.

Intel's next generation Ivy Bridge chipset, expected for the spring of 2012, is going to add support for OpenCL to the built-in motherboard GPU. We may eventually see that trickle into the server hardware side of things too.

I've never seen a PostgreSQL server capable of running CUDA, and I don't expect that to change.

Greg Smith   2ndQuadrant US    g...@2ndquadrant.com   Baltimore, MD
PostgreSQL Training, Services, and 24x7 Support  www.2ndQuadrant.us

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