On 09/13/2011 04:52 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
Rodrigo Gonzalez<rjgonz...@estrads.com.ar>  writes:
In a perfect world, it would be nice if one could do combined queries
linking a PostgreSQL database with an Oracle one, or a MySQL one,
Can't you do that with FDW that is present in 9.1?
FDW provides the structure within which that will eventually be
possible, but there's no Oracle or MySQL wrapper today ... and there are
a lot of FDW restrictions that need to be worked on, too.

                        regards, tom lane

They are both listed at wiki
I know there are a lot of limitations....but OP message says "Even something that is several hundred times slower is going to be faster than merging the databases together. When I do this today, I have to write a program (in perl or php) that accesses both databases and merges it by hand."
Am I wrong that this is currently possible using FDW?


Rodrigo Gonzalez

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