hubert depesz lubaczewski wrote:
> hi
> I have 8.3.11 database, ~ 600GB in size.
> I want to upgrade it to 9.0.
> First, I tried with 9.0.4, and when I hit problem (the same) I tried
> git, head of 9.0 branch.


> pg_upgrade_dump_db.sql-
> pg_upgrade_dump_db.sql--- For binary upgrade, must preserve relfilenodes
> pg_upgrade_dump_db.sql-SELECT 
> binary_upgrade.set_next_heap_relfilenode('71637068'::pg_catalog.oid);
> pg_upgrade_dump_db.sql:SELECT 
> binary_upgrade.set_next_toast_relfilenode('71637071'::pg_catalog.oid);
> pg_upgrade_dump_db.sql-SELECT 
> binary_upgrade.set_next_index_relfilenode('71637073'::pg_catalog.oid);
> pg_upgrade_dump_db.sql-
> pg_upgrade_dump_db.sql-CREATE TABLE actions (
> --
> pg_upgrade.log-linking /var/postgresql/6666/base/113953649/2613 to 
> /var/postgresql/6666-9.0/base/11826/11790
> pg_upgrade.log-  /var/postgresql/6666/base/113953649/2683                    
> pg_upgrade.log-linking /var/postgresql/6666/base/113953649/2683 to 
> /var/postgresql/6666-9.0/base/11826/11792
> pg_upgrade.log:Could not find 71637071 in old cluster

The problem appears to be that the Postgres catalogs think there is a
toast table for 'actions', while the file system doesn't seem to have
such a file.  I can you look in pg_class and verify that?

        SELECT reltoastrelid FROM pg_class WHERE relname  = 'actions';

Then look in the file system to see if there is a matching file.

> One more thing - one of earlier tests actually worked through
> pg_upgrade, but when running vacuumdb -az on newly started 9.0.4, I got
> error about missing transaction/clog - don't remember exactly what it
> was, though.

THere was a bug in how how pg_upgrade worked in pre-9.0.4 --- could it
have been that?

  Bruce Momjian  <>

  + It's impossible for everything to be true. +

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