On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 11:45 PM, Heikki Linnakangas <
heikki.linnakan...@enterprisedb.com> wrote:

> unloadNodeBuffers() is now dead code.
processEmptyingStack calls it.

LEAF_PAGES_STATS_* are unused now.


> Should avoid calling smgrnblocks() on every tuple, the overhead of that
> could add up.

Now calling at each BUFFERING_MODE_SWITCH_CHECK_STEP(256) tuples.

> I wonder, how hard would it be to merge gistBufferingBuildPlaceToPage(**)
> with the gistplacetopage() function used in the main codepath? There's very
> little difference between them, and it would be nice to maintain just one
> function. At the very least I think there should be a comment in both along
> the lines of "NOTE: if you change this function, make sure you update XXXX
> (the other function) as well!"
I doubt they can be effectively merged, but will try.

> In gistbuild(), in the final emptying stage, there's this special-case
> handling for the root block before looping through the buffers in the
> buffersOnLevels lists:
>                 for (;;)
>>                {
>>                        nodeBuffer = getNodeBuffer(gfbb,
>> &buildstate.giststate, GIST_ROOT_BLKNO,
>> InvalidOffsetNumber, NULL, false);
>>                        if (!nodeBuffer || nodeBuffer->blocksCount <= 0)
>>                                break;
>>                        MemoryContextSwitchTo(gfbb->**context);
>>                        gfbb->bufferEmptyingStack = lcons(nodeBuffer,
>> gfbb->bufferEmptyingStack);
>>                        MemoryContextSwitchTo(**buildstate.tmpCtx);
>>                        processEmptyingStack(&**buildstate.giststate,
>> &insertstate);
>>                }
> What's the purpose of that? Wouldn't the loop through buffersOnLevels lists
> take care of the root node too?
I was worried about node buffer deletion from list while scanning that
list gistbuild(). That's why I avoided deletion from lists.
Now I've added additional check for root node in loop over list.

> The calculations in initBuffering() desperately need comments. As does the
> rest of the code too, but the heuristics in that function are particularly
> hard to understand without some explanation.

Some comments were added. I'm working on more of them.

With best regards,
Alexander Korotkov.

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