Excerpts from Josh's message On Sun, Aug 7, 2011 at 2:36 AM:

> could we figure out what that limit should be based on
> max_locks_per_transaction?

It would be nice to implement via "-l max" instead of making users do it
manually or something like this "-l $(grep "max_locks_per_transaction.*="
postgresql.conf | perl -p -e 's/#.*//g;s/^.*?([0-9]+).*?$/$1/g' | grep .
|head -1 )".
For this patch I just want to enable the limit functionality, leaving higher
level options like max to the user for now.

> handle deleting all the ophan LOs in several transactions for the user
> automatically?

I addressed this option before and basically said it is an undesirable
alternative because It is a less flexible option that is easily implemented
in a shell script.
Again it would be a welcome extra option but it can be left to the user for

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