On Jul26, 2011, at 18:04 , Noah Misch wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 02:09:13PM +0200, Florian Pflug wrote:
>> On Jul26, 2011, at 01:57 , Noah Misch wrote:
>>> We could rearrange things so the xml2-config -L
>>> flags (or lack thereof) take priority over a --with-libraries directory for
>>> the purpose of finding libxml2.
>> Hm, how would we do that just for the purpose of finding libxml? Do autotools
>> provide a way to specify per-library -L flags?
> Autoconf (built-in macros, that is) and Automake do not get involved in that. 
>  I
> vaguely recall Libtool having support for it, but PostgreSQL does not use
> Automake or Libtool.  I also spoke too loosely: -L is never per-library, but 
> you
> can emulate that by completing the search externally and passing a full path 
> to
> the linker.

Yeah, that was what I though would be the only way too. I had the slight hope
that I had missed something, but unfortunately it seems I didn't :-(

> Honestly, the benefit is probably too light to justify going to this trouble.

Yep. It'd probably be weeks, if not months, until we made that work on all
supported platforms. And by the time it does, we'd probably have re-invented
a sizeable portion of libtool.

best regards,
Florian Pflug

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