On 21/07/11 15:27, Sushant Sinha wrote:
> I am using plpythonu on postgres 9.0.2. One of my python functions was
> throwing a TypeError exception. However, I only see the exception in the
> database and not the stack trace. It becomes difficult to debug if the
> stack trace is absent in Python.
> logdb=# select get_words(forminput) from fi;           
> ERROR:  PL/Python: TypeError: an integer is required
> CONTEXT:  PL/Python function "get_words"
> And here is the error if I run that function on the same data in python:
> [traceback]
> Is this a known problem or this needs addressing?

Yes, traceback support in PL/Python has already been implemented and is
a new feature that will be available in PostgreSQL 9.1.


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