> > I've got patches for the CREATE CAST/DROP CAST feature (just a
> > rearrangement of our existing function declaration syntax). The SQL99
> > form assumes that an existing function will be used for the cast
> > definition, so I've extended the syntax to allow that and to have an
> > alternate form which has more of our CREATE FUNCTION functionality.
> Could you provide more precise details?  I've thought of this before, when
> the new "may be a cast function" feature was added, and this feature
> didn't match very well.

It doesn't match perfectly in that one field is ignored as being
(afaict) redundant for us. The basic definition from SQL99 is


I can map this to something equivalent to

CREATE FUNCTION to(from) RETURNS to AS 'select func($1)' LANGUAGE 'sql';

with another clause or two to get the implicit coersion enabled, and
ignoring the "args" field(s).

This supposes that a coersion function of some other name already
exists, and if I define one it seems to work nicely. I defined two
alternate forms, one resembling the SQL99 clauses and one resembling the
existing PostgreSQL CREATE FUNCTION clauses, as follows:

CREATE CAST(from AS to) WITH FUNCTION func(args) AS 'path' WITH ...


CREATE CAST(from AS to) AS 'path' WITH ...

and both of these latter forms allow one to eliminate a corresponding

> > I'm also looking at the SQL99 INFORMATION_SCHEMA views. Is anyone
> > already defining these?
> Yes.  I'm done through section 20.18 (COLUMNS view).

Great. I'll stop looking at it then.

> > The initdb folks may want to start thinking about the best way to
> > support a larger number of views; currently they are embedded directly
> > into the initdb script but that would get unwieldy with more of them
> > (and some of them are *really* fat definitions!).
> I think they can be loaded from an external file.

Sounds good.

                     - Thomas

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