> Ah, I see --- more or less make all of utils/adt/ available to be
> linked into clients.
> > That is a Good Idea in principle. In practice, ...
> Yeah, it'd be a huge amount of work.  For starters, all that code
> relies on the backend environment for error handling and memory
> management...

It would be a large amount of work to make *all* of utils/adt available.
However, the initial work would be to support I/O to get values
converted to internal storage. Michael M. already has to do some of this
for ecpg, and presumably we could do this for more types (or maybe *all*
builtin types are already supported in this way by ecpg, in which case
MM has already done all of the hard work, and we might just repackage

A first cut would seem to be appropriate, if someone would like to pick
up the work. Tony?? ;)

                    - Thomas

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