Excerpts from Robert Haas's message of mié jun 29 13:07:25 -0400 2011:
> On Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 12:51 PM, Alvaro Herrera
> <alvhe...@commandprompt.com> wrote:
> > Excerpts from Robert Haas's message of lun jun 27 10:35:59 -0400 2011:

> > Interesting.  This whole thing requires quite a bit of rejiggering in
> > the initial transformation phase, I think, but yeah, I see the points
> > here and I will see to them.  Does this mean that "NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY"
> > now behaves differently?  I think it does , because if you drop the PK
> > then the field needs to continue being not null.
> Yeah, I think an implicit not-null because you made it a primary key
> is now different from one that you write out.

Actually, it wasn't that hard, but I'm not really sure I like the
resulting code:

                 * We want to inherit NOT NULL constraints, but not primary 
                 * Since attnotnull flags in pg_attribute stores both, we want 
to keep only
                 * the attnotnull flag from those columns that have it from NOT 
                 * constraints.  To do this, we create a copy of the table's 
                 * and scribble on it by resetting all the attnotnull bits to 
false, and
                 * the setting them true for columns that appear in a NOT NULL 
                 * Note: we cannot use CreateTupleDescCopy here, because it'd 
                 * the atthasdef bits, as well as constraints.
                tupleDesc = 
                constr = tupleDesc->constr;
                parent_nns = GetRelationNotNullConstraints(relation);

                for (parent_attno = 1; parent_attno <= tupleDesc->natts;
                        tupleDesc->attrs[parent_attno - 1]->attnotnull = false;

                foreach (cell, parent_nns)
                        NotNullConstraint *constr = lfirst(cell);

                        tupleDesc->attrs[constr->attnum - 1]->attnotnull = true;

Here's the simple example (sorry for the spanish):

alvherre=# create table foo (a int primary key, b int not null);
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY creará el índice implícito «foo_pkey» para 
la tabla «foo»
alvherre=# create table bar () inherits (foo);

alvherre=# \d foo
        Tabla «public.foo»
 Columna |  Tipo   | Modificadores 
 a       | integer | not null
 b       | integer | not null
    "foo_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (a)
Número de tablas hijas: 1 (Use \d+ para listarlas.)

alvherre=# \d bar
        Tabla «public.bar»
 Columna |  Tipo   | Modificadores 
 a       | integer | 
 b       | integer | not null
Hereda: foo

alvherre=# create table baz (a int not null primary key);
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY creará el índice implícito «baz_pkey» para 
la tabla «baz»
alvherre=# create table qux () inherits (baz);
alvherre=# \d baz
        Tabla «public.baz»
 Columna |  Tipo   | Modificadores 
 a       | integer | not null
    "baz_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (a)
Número de tablas hijas: 1 (Use \d+ para listarlas.)

alvherre=# \d qux
        Tabla «public.qux»
 Columna |  Tipo   | Modificadores 
 a       | integer | not null
Hereda: baz

Álvaro Herrera <alvhe...@commandprompt.com>
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support

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