On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 11:31 AM, Craig Ringer
<cr...@postnewspapers.com.au> wrote:
> In this case a different (or additional) string for EDB releases is exactly
> what I'm after - a string that uniquely identifies a release made with an
> EDB installer, so that "8.4.2-1" can be reliably identified as separate from
> "8.4.2-2" and separate again from a hand-built Pg or a .zip release.

That's not feasible, as the -x part of the number is the installer
build number and is unrelated to the build of the binaries. We
regularly rebuild the installers to fix minor issues without
rebuilding the binaries.

> To download 8.4.2-2 at all I had to go to download the latest EDB release,
> note the URL and play substitution games. Maybe I just didn't find the "old
> versions" link that'll turn out to be lurking somewhere.

I'm not sure I understand the problem. We ship the symbols in the
package, so why did you have to go looking for an old version to debug
an issue?

Dave Page
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