On 03.06.2011 19:19, Radosław Smogura wrote:
Sorry for short introduction about this, and plese as far as possible,
disconnet it from LOBs, as it on top of LOB.
Idea of streaming is to reduce memory copy mainly during receiving and sending
tuples. Currently receive works as follows
1. Read bytes of tuple (allocate x memory).
2. Eventually convert it to database encoding.
3. Use this data and create datum (which is little changed copy of 1 or 2)
4. Streaming will be allowed only in binary mode, and actually stream in/out
will return binary data.
Hmm, I was thinking that streaming would be a whole new mode, alongside
the current text and binary mode.
Look for example at execution chain from textrecv.
Idea is to add stream_in, stream_out columns pg_type.
When value is to be serialized the sin/sout is called. Struct must pass len of
data, and struct of stream (simillar to C FILE*).
Caller should validate if all bytes has been consumed (expose simple methods
for this)
To implement(code API requirements):
First stream is buffered socekt reader.
Fast substreams - create fast stream limited to x bytes basing on other stream
Skipping bytes + skipAll()
Stream filtering - do fast (faster will be if conversion will occure in
buffered chunks) encoding conversion.
Support for direct PG printf() version. Linux has ability to create cookie
streams and use it with fprintf(), so its greate advantage to format huge
strings. Other system should buffer output. Problem is if Linux cookie will
fail will it write something to output? Windows proxy will push value to temp
This is pretty low-level stuff, I think we should focus on the protocol
changes and user-visible libpq API first.
However, we don't want to use anything Linux-specific here, so that
cookie streams are not an option.
Heikki Linnakangas
EnterpriseDB http://www.enterprisedb.com
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