Robert Haas <> wrote:
> It appears that the open items list is a bit stale:
> The first item listed there is, I believe, fixed.
That was "SSI HOT chain traversal issue" -- which was fixed.  I just
moved it to "Resolved Issues".
> I'm not sure about the second.
That's "Make DDL commands SSI-aware".  That is two to four lines of
code away from complete, but I got stuck last time I tried to figure
out where to put those lines.  The code for DROP TABLE and TRUNCATE
TABLE is not quite as easy to follow as most of the PostgreSQL code
base -- or so it seemed to me.  I'll take another run at it.  A
patch will be forthcoming on Sunday at the latest.  All other DDL
commands are done and have been through some testing.
> If anyone is aware of stuff we need to get done, please add it
> there...
I've submitted a comment-only patch and will be submitting a patch
by Sunday to add a few more lines to README-SSI.  I don't know that
those are beta2 blockers, though.  Should I add them to "Not
Blockers for Beta2"?

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