Vaibhav Kaushal <> writes:
> My mind started wandering after that error. Now, actually, i was trying to
> do something like this:

> *last_result = palloc0(sizeof(Datum));
> bool *isnnuull = true;
> *last_result = slot_getattr(slot, num_atts, *isnnuull);

This seems utterly confused about data types.  The first line thinks
that last_result is of type Datum ** (ie, pointer to pointer to Datum),
since it's storing a pointer-to-Datum through it.  The third line
however is treating last_result as of type Datum *, since it's storing
a Datum (not pointer to Datum) through it.  And the second line is
assigning "true" (a bool value) to a variable declared as pointer to
bool, which you then proceed to incorrectly dereference while passing it
as the last argument to slot_getattr.  The code will certainly crash on
that deref, independently of the multiple other bugs here.

Recommendation: gcc is your friend.  Pay attention to the warnings it
gives you.

                        regards, tom lane

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