On 18/04/11 17:12, Tom Lane wrote:
Dave Cramer<p...@fastcrypt.com>  writes:
Well initially my concern was that people would have a challenge in
the case where they had to re-certify their application if we made
this change, however I realize they will have to do this anyway since
upgrading to 9.1 is what necessitates it.
I don't see any backwards compatibility risk, if that's what you mean.
Every backend release since 7.3 has treated client_encoding 'UTF8' and
'UNICODE' the same, and earlier releases didn't accept either one.

                        regards, tom lane

As there seems to be a consensus forming for fixing the JDBC driver, I've taken the liberty do so at the risk of being shot down. The patch is fairly straightforward, just changing UNICODE to UTF8 in a number of files including the translation files. I've tested this against 9.1devel (HEAD) and 8.4.7. For each database version I build and the tests running JDKs 1.4.2_19, 1.5.0_22 and 1.6.0_2. All on 32-bit.


Mike Fowler
Registered Linux user: 379787

Index: doc/pgjdbc.xml
RCS file: /cvsroot/jdbc/pgjdbc/doc/pgjdbc.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.40
diff -c -r1.40 pgjdbc.xml
*** doc/pgjdbc.xml	25 Dec 2010 07:07:44 -0000	1.40
--- doc/pgjdbc.xml	18 Apr 2011 16:32:49 -0000
*** 179,185 ****
      encoding and you will have problems the moment you store data in it that
      does not fit in the seven bit <acronym>ASCII</acronym> character set.
      If you do not know what your encoding will be or are otherwise unsure
!     about what you will be storing the <literal>UNICODE</literal> encoding
      is a reasonable default to use.
--- 179,185 ----
      encoding and you will have problems the moment you store data in it that
      does not fit in the seven bit <acronym>ASCII</acronym> character set.
      If you do not know what your encoding will be or are otherwise unsure
!     about what you will be storing the <literal>UTF8</literal> encoding
      is a reasonable default to use.
Index: org/postgresql/core/BaseConnection.java
RCS file: /cvsroot/jdbc/pgjdbc/org/postgresql/core/BaseConnection.java,v
retrieving revision 1.23
diff -c -r1.23 BaseConnection.java
*** org/postgresql/core/BaseConnection.java	1 May 2010 14:40:51 -0000	1.23
--- org/postgresql/core/BaseConnection.java	18 Apr 2011 16:32:49 -0000
*** 96,102 ****
       * Encode a string using the database's client_encoding
!      * (usually UNICODE, but can vary on older server versions).
       * This is used when constructing synthetic resultsets (for
       * example, in metadata methods).
--- 96,102 ----
       * Encode a string using the database's client_encoding
!      * (usually UTF8, but can vary on older server versions).
       * This is used when constructing synthetic resultsets (for
       * example, in metadata methods).
Index: org/postgresql/core/v2/ConnectionFactoryImpl.java
RCS file: /cvsroot/jdbc/pgjdbc/org/postgresql/core/v2/ConnectionFactoryImpl.java,v
retrieving revision 1.21
diff -c -r1.21 ConnectionFactoryImpl.java
*** org/postgresql/core/v2/ConnectionFactoryImpl.java	31 Mar 2011 03:06:38 -0000	1.21
--- org/postgresql/core/v2/ConnectionFactoryImpl.java	18 Apr 2011 16:32:49 -0000
*** 380,388 ****
              // 7.3 server that defaults to autocommit = off.
              if (logger.logDebug())
!                 logger.debug("Switching to UNICODE client_encoding");
!             String sql = "begin; set autocommit = on; set client_encoding = 'UNICODE'; ";
              if (dbVersion.compareTo("9.0") >= 0) {
                  sql += "SET extra_float_digits=3; ";
              } else if (dbVersion.compareTo("7.4") >= 0) {
--- 380,388 ----
              // 7.3 server that defaults to autocommit = off.
              if (logger.logDebug())
!                 logger.debug("Switching to UTF8 client_encoding");
!             String sql = "begin; set autocommit = on; set client_encoding = 'UTF8'; ";
              if (dbVersion.compareTo("9.0") >= 0) {
                  sql += "SET extra_float_digits=3; ";
              } else if (dbVersion.compareTo("7.4") >= 0) {
*** 391,397 ****
              sql += "commit";
              SetupQueryRunner.run(protoConnection, sql, false);
!             protoConnection.setEncoding(Encoding.getDatabaseEncoding("UNICODE"));
--- 391,397 ----
              sql += "commit";
              SetupQueryRunner.run(protoConnection, sql, false);
!             protoConnection.setEncoding(Encoding.getDatabaseEncoding("UTF8"));
Index: org/postgresql/core/v3/ConnectionFactoryImpl.java
RCS file: /cvsroot/jdbc/pgjdbc/org/postgresql/core/v3/ConnectionFactoryImpl.java,v
retrieving revision 1.24
diff -c -r1.24 ConnectionFactoryImpl.java
*** org/postgresql/core/v3/ConnectionFactoryImpl.java	31 Mar 2011 03:06:39 -0000	1.24
--- org/postgresql/core/v3/ConnectionFactoryImpl.java	18 Apr 2011 16:32:49 -0000
*** 97,103 ****
              String[][] params = {
                                      { "user", user },
                                      { "database", database },
!                                     { "client_encoding", "UNICODE" },
                                      { "DateStyle", "ISO" },
                                      { "extra_float_digits", "2" }
--- 97,103 ----
              String[][] params = {
                                      { "user", user },
                                      { "database", database },
!                                     { "client_encoding", "UTF8" },
                                      { "DateStyle", "ISO" },
                                      { "extra_float_digits", "2" }
*** 494,502 ****
                  else if (name.equals("client_encoding"))
!                     if (!value.equals("UNICODE"))
                          throw new PSQLException(GT.tr("Protocol error.  Session setup failed."), PSQLState.PROTOCOL_VIOLATION);
!                     pgStream.setEncoding(Encoding.getDatabaseEncoding("UNICODE"));
                  else if (name.equals("standard_conforming_strings"))
--- 494,502 ----
                  else if (name.equals("client_encoding"))
!                     if (!value.equals("UTF8"))
                          throw new PSQLException(GT.tr("Protocol error.  Session setup failed."), PSQLState.PROTOCOL_VIOLATION);
!                     pgStream.setEncoding(Encoding.getDatabaseEncoding("UTF8"));
                  else if (name.equals("standard_conforming_strings"))
Index: org/postgresql/core/v3/QueryExecutorImpl.java
RCS file: /cvsroot/jdbc/pgjdbc/org/postgresql/core/v3/QueryExecutorImpl.java,v
retrieving revision 1.52
diff -c -r1.52 QueryExecutorImpl.java
*** org/postgresql/core/v3/QueryExecutorImpl.java	2 Apr 2011 08:29:57 -0000	1.52
--- org/postgresql/core/v3/QueryExecutorImpl.java	18 Apr 2011 16:32:50 -0000
*** 1869,1878 ****
                      if (logger.logDebug())
                          logger.debug(" <=BE ParameterStatus(" + name + " = " + value + ")");
!                     if (name.equals("client_encoding") && !(value.equalsIgnoreCase("UNICODE") || value.equalsIgnoreCase("UTF8")) && !allowEncodingChanges)
                          protoConnection.close(); // we're screwed now; we can't trust any subsequent string.
!                         handler.handleError(new PSQLException(GT.tr("The server''s client_encoding parameter was changed to {0}. The JDBC driver requires client_encoding to be UNICODE for correct operation.", value), PSQLState.CONNECTION_FAILURE));
                          endQuery = true;
--- 1869,1878 ----
                      if (logger.logDebug())
                          logger.debug(" <=BE ParameterStatus(" + name + " = " + value + ")");
!                     if (name.equals("client_encoding") && !value.equalsIgnoreCase("UTF8") && !allowEncodingChanges)
                          protoConnection.close(); // we're screwed now; we can't trust any subsequent string.
!                         handler.handleError(new PSQLException(GT.tr("The server''s client_encoding parameter was changed to {0}. The JDBC driver requires client_encoding to be UTF8 for correct operation.", value), PSQLState.CONNECTION_FAILURE));
                          endQuery = true;
Index: org/postgresql/jdbc3/AbstractJdbc3Statement.java
RCS file: /cvsroot/jdbc/pgjdbc/org/postgresql/jdbc3/AbstractJdbc3Statement.java,v
retrieving revision 1.24
diff -c -r1.24 AbstractJdbc3Statement.java
*** org/postgresql/jdbc3/AbstractJdbc3Statement.java	28 Jan 2009 09:50:21 -0000	1.24
--- org/postgresql/jdbc3/AbstractJdbc3Statement.java	18 Apr 2011 16:32:50 -0000
*** 936,946 ****
       * Sets the designated parameter to the given <code>Reader</code>
       * object, which is the given number of characters long.
!      * When a very large UNICODE value is input to a <code>LONGVARCHAR</code>
       * parameter, it may be more practical to send it via a
       * <code>java.io.Reader</code> object. The data will be read from the stream
       * as needed until end-of-file is reached. The JDBC driver will
!      * do any necessary conversion from UNICODE to the database char format.
       * <P><B>Note:</B> This stream object can either be a standard
       * Java stream object or your own subclass that implements the
--- 936,946 ----
       * Sets the designated parameter to the given <code>Reader</code>
       * object, which is the given number of characters long.
!      * When a very large UTF8 value is input to a <code>LONGVARCHAR</code>
       * parameter, it may be more practical to send it via a
       * <code>java.io.Reader</code> object. The data will be read from the stream
       * as needed until end-of-file is reached. The JDBC driver will
!      * do any necessary conversion from UTF8 to the database char format.
       * <P><B>Note:</B> This stream object can either be a standard
       * Java stream object or your own subclass that implements the
*** 948,954 ****
       * @param parameterName the name of the parameter
       * @param reader the <code>java.io.Reader</code> object that
!      *    contains the UNICODE data used as the designated parameter
       * @param length the number of characters in the stream
       * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
       * @since 1.4
--- 948,954 ----
       * @param parameterName the name of the parameter
       * @param reader the <code>java.io.Reader</code> object that
!      *    contains the UTF8 data used as the designated parameter
       * @param length the number of characters in the stream
       * @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
       * @since 1.4
Index: org/postgresql/test/jdbc2/DatabaseEncodingTest.java
RCS file: /cvsroot/jdbc/pgjdbc/org/postgresql/test/jdbc2/DatabaseEncodingTest.java,v
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -c -r1.8 DatabaseEncodingTest.java
*** org/postgresql/test/jdbc2/DatabaseEncodingTest.java	8 Jan 2008 06:56:30 -0000	1.8
--- org/postgresql/test/jdbc2/DatabaseEncodingTest.java	18 Apr 2011 16:32:50 -0000
*** 70,86 ****
      public void testEncoding() throws Exception {
!         // Check that we have a UNICODE server encoding, or we must skip this test.
          Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
          ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT getdatabaseencoding()");
          String dbEncoding = rs.getString(1);
!         if (!dbEncoding.equals("UNICODE") && !dbEncoding.equals("UTF8"))
!             System.err.println("DatabaseEncodingTest: Skipping UNICODE database tests as test database encoding is " + dbEncoding);
!             return ; // not a UNICODE database.
--- 70,86 ----
      public void testEncoding() throws Exception {
!         // Check that we have a UTF8 server encoding, or we must skip this test.
          Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
          ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT getdatabaseencoding()");
          String dbEncoding = rs.getString(1);
!         if (!dbEncoding.equals("UTF8"))
!             System.err.println("DatabaseEncodingTest: Skipping UTF8 database tests as test database encoding is " + dbEncoding);
!             return ; // not a UTF8 database.
Index: org/postgresql/test/jdbc2/EncodingTest.java
RCS file: /cvsroot/jdbc/pgjdbc/org/postgresql/test/jdbc2/EncodingTest.java,v
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -c -r1.11 EncodingTest.java
*** org/postgresql/test/jdbc2/EncodingTest.java	19 Feb 2008 06:12:24 -0000	1.11
--- org/postgresql/test/jdbc2/EncodingTest.java	18 Apr 2011 16:32:50 -0000
*** 32,38 ****
      public void testCreation() throws Exception
          Encoding encoding;
!         encoding = Encoding.getDatabaseEncoding("UNICODE");
          assertEquals("UTF", encoding.name().substring(0, 3).toUpperCase(Locale.US));
          encoding = Encoding.getDatabaseEncoding("SQL_ASCII");
          assertTrue(encoding.name().toUpperCase(Locale.US).indexOf("ASCII") != -1);
--- 32,38 ----
      public void testCreation() throws Exception
          Encoding encoding;
!         encoding = Encoding.getDatabaseEncoding("UTF8");
          assertEquals("UTF", encoding.name().substring(0, 3).toUpperCase(Locale.US));
          encoding = Encoding.getDatabaseEncoding("SQL_ASCII");
          assertTrue(encoding.name().toUpperCase(Locale.US).indexOf("ASCII") != -1);
*** 43,49 ****
      public void testTransformations() throws Exception
!         Encoding encoding = Encoding.getDatabaseEncoding("UNICODE");
          assertEquals("ab", encoding.decode(new byte[] { 97, 98 }));
          assertEquals(2, encoding.encode("ab").length);
--- 43,49 ----
      public void testTransformations() throws Exception
!         Encoding encoding = Encoding.getDatabaseEncoding("UTF8");
          assertEquals("ab", encoding.decode(new byte[] { 97, 98 }));
          assertEquals(2, encoding.encode("ab").length);
Index: org/postgresql/translation/bg.po
RCS file: /cvsroot/jdbc/pgjdbc/org/postgresql/translation/bg.po,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -c -r1.1 bg.po
*** org/postgresql/translation/bg.po	28 Dec 2009 22:14:21 -0000	1.1
--- org/postgresql/translation/bg.po	18 Apr 2011 16:32:50 -0000
*** 420,429 ****
  #, java-format
  msgid ""
  "The server''s client_encoding parameter was changed to {0}. The JDBC driver "
! "requires client_encoding to be UNICODE for correct operation."
  msgstr ""
  "Параметърът client_encoding при сървъра бе променен на {0}. JDBC драйвъра "
! "изисква client_encoding да бъде UNICODE за да функционира правилно."
  #: org/postgresql/core/v3/QueryExecutorImpl.java:1856
  #, java-format
--- 420,429 ----
  #, java-format
  msgid ""
  "The server''s client_encoding parameter was changed to {0}. The JDBC driver "
! "requires client_encoding to be UTF8 for correct operation."
  msgstr ""
  "Параметърът client_encoding при сървъра бе променен на {0}. JDBC драйвъра "
! "изисква client_encoding да бъде UTF8 за да функционира правилно."
  #: org/postgresql/core/v3/QueryExecutorImpl.java:1856
  #, java-format
Index: org/postgresql/translation/cs.po
RCS file: /cvsroot/jdbc/pgjdbc/org/postgresql/translation/cs.po,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -c -r1.2 cs.po
*** org/postgresql/translation/cs.po	22 Aug 2005 05:51:40 -0000	1.2
--- org/postgresql/translation/cs.po	18 Apr 2011 16:32:50 -0000
*** 254,260 ****
  #, java-format
  msgid ""
  "The server''s client_encoding parameter was changed to {0}. The JDBC driver "
! "requires client_encoding to be UNICODE for correct operation."
  msgstr ""
  #: org/postgresql/core/v3/QueryExecutorImpl.java:1330
--- 254,260 ----
  #, java-format
  msgid ""
  "The server''s client_encoding parameter was changed to {0}. The JDBC driver "
! "requires client_encoding to be UTF8 for correct operation."
  msgstr ""
  #: org/postgresql/core/v3/QueryExecutorImpl.java:1330
Index: org/postgresql/translation/de.po
RCS file: /cvsroot/jdbc/pgjdbc/org/postgresql/translation/de.po,v
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -c -r1.10 de.po
*** org/postgresql/translation/de.po	19 Sep 2008 00:01:02 -0000	1.10
--- org/postgresql/translation/de.po	18 Apr 2011 16:32:51 -0000
*** 303,312 ****
  #, java-format
  msgid ""
  "The server''s client_encoding parameter was changed to {0}. The JDBC driver "
! "requires client_encoding to be UNICODE for correct operation."
  msgstr ""
  "Der Parameter ''client_encoding'' wurde auf dem Server auf {0} verändert. "
! "Der JDBC-Treiber setzt für korrektes Funktionieren die Einstellung UNICODE "
  #: org/postgresql/core/v3/QueryExecutorImpl.java:1373
--- 303,312 ----
  #, java-format
  msgid ""
  "The server''s client_encoding parameter was changed to {0}. The JDBC driver "
! "requires client_encoding to be UTF8 for correct operation."
  msgstr ""
  "Der Parameter ''client_encoding'' wurde auf dem Server auf {0} verändert. "
! "Der JDBC-Treiber setzt für korrektes Funktionieren die Einstellung UTF8 "
  #: org/postgresql/core/v3/QueryExecutorImpl.java:1373
Index: org/postgresql/translation/es.po
RCS file: /cvsroot/jdbc/pgjdbc/org/postgresql/translation/es.po,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -c -r1.2 es.po
*** org/postgresql/translation/es.po	7 Nov 2004 22:17:10 -0000	1.2
--- org/postgresql/translation/es.po	18 Apr 2011 16:32:51 -0000
*** 186,192 ****
  #: org/postgresql/core/v3/QueryExecutorImpl.java:1028
  msgid ""
  "The server's client_encoding parameter was changed to {0}. The JDBC driver "
! "requires client_encoding to be UNICODE for correct operation."
  msgstr ""
  #: org/postgresql/core/v3/QueryExecutorImpl.java:1034
--- 186,192 ----
  #: org/postgresql/core/v3/QueryExecutorImpl.java:1028
  msgid ""
  "The server's client_encoding parameter was changed to {0}. The JDBC driver "
! "requires client_encoding to be UTF8 for correct operation."
  msgstr ""
  #: org/postgresql/core/v3/QueryExecutorImpl.java:1034
Index: org/postgresql/translation/fr.po
RCS file: /cvsroot/jdbc/pgjdbc/org/postgresql/translation/fr.po,v
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -c -r1.8 fr.po
*** org/postgresql/translation/fr.po	27 Jul 2007 22:13:09 -0000	1.8
--- org/postgresql/translation/fr.po	18 Apr 2011 16:32:52 -0000
*** 294,303 ****
  #, java-format
  msgid ""
  "The server''s client_encoding parameter was changed to {0}. The JDBC driver "
! "requires client_encoding to be UNICODE for correct operation."
  msgstr ""
  "Le paramètre client_encoding du serveur a été changé pour {0}. Le pilote "
! "JDBC nécessite l''affectation de la valeur UNICODE à client_encoding pour un "
  "fonctionnement correct."
  #: org/postgresql/core/v3/QueryExecutorImpl.java:1361
--- 294,303 ----
  #, java-format
  msgid ""
  "The server''s client_encoding parameter was changed to {0}. The JDBC driver "
! "requires client_encoding to be UTF8 for correct operation."
  msgstr ""
  "Le paramètre client_encoding du serveur a été changé pour {0}. Le pilote "
! "JDBC nécessite l''affectation de la valeur UTF8 à client_encoding pour un "
  "fonctionnement correct."
  #: org/postgresql/core/v3/QueryExecutorImpl.java:1361
Index: org/postgresql/translation/it.po
RCS file: /cvsroot/jdbc/pgjdbc/org/postgresql/translation/it.po,v
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -c -r1.6 it.po
*** org/postgresql/translation/it.po	29 Jun 2006 23:29:39 -0000	1.6
--- org/postgresql/translation/it.po	18 Apr 2011 16:32:52 -0000
*** 290,299 ****
  #, java-format
  msgid ""
  "The server''s client_encoding parameter was changed to {0}. The JDBC driver "
! "requires client_encoding to be UNICODE for correct operation."
  msgstr ""
  "Il parametro «client_encoding» del server è stato cambiato in {0}. Il driver "
! "JDBC richiede che «client_encoding» sia UNICODE per un corretto "
  #: org/postgresql/core/v3/QueryExecutorImpl.java:1357
--- 290,299 ----
  #, java-format
  msgid ""
  "The server''s client_encoding parameter was changed to {0}. The JDBC driver "
! "requires client_encoding to be UTF8 for correct operation."
  msgstr ""
  "Il parametro «client_encoding» del server è stato cambiato in {0}. Il driver "
! "JDBC richiede che «client_encoding» sia UTF8 per un corretto "
  #: org/postgresql/core/v3/QueryExecutorImpl.java:1357
Index: org/postgresql/translation/ja.po
RCS file: /cvsroot/jdbc/pgjdbc/org/postgresql/translation/ja.po,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -c -r1.2 ja.po
*** org/postgresql/translation/ja.po	5 May 2010 20:51:57 -0000	1.2
--- org/postgresql/translation/ja.po	18 Apr 2011 16:32:52 -0000
*** 413,422 ****
  #, java-format
  msgid ""
  "The server''s client_encoding parameter was changed to {0}. The JDBC driver "
! "requires client_encoding to be UNICODE for correct operation."
  msgstr ""
  "サーバーのclient_encodingパラメーターが {0} に変わりました、JDBCドライバー"
! "は、正しい操作のためclient_encodingをUNICODEにすることを要求します。"
  #: org/postgresql/core/v3/QueryExecutorImpl.java:1856
  #, java-format
--- 413,422 ----
  #, java-format
  msgid ""
  "The server''s client_encoding parameter was changed to {0}. The JDBC driver "
! "requires client_encoding to be UTF8 for correct operation."
  msgstr ""
  "サーバーのclient_encodingパラメーターが {0} に変わりました、JDBCドライバー"
! "は、正しい操作のためclient_encodingをUTF8にすることを要求します。"
  #: org/postgresql/core/v3/QueryExecutorImpl.java:1856
  #, java-format
Index: org/postgresql/translation/nl.po
RCS file: /cvsroot/jdbc/pgjdbc/org/postgresql/translation/nl.po,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -c -r1.2 nl.po
*** org/postgresql/translation/nl.po	7 Nov 2004 22:17:10 -0000	1.2
--- org/postgresql/translation/nl.po	18 Apr 2011 16:32:52 -0000
*** 167,173 ****
  #: org/postgresql/core/v3/QueryExecutorImpl.java:980
  msgid ""
  "The server's client_encoding parameter was changed to {0}. The JDBC driver "
! "requires client_encoding to be UNICODE for correct operation."
  msgstr ""
  #: org/postgresql/core/v3/QueryExecutorImpl.java:986
--- 167,173 ----
  #: org/postgresql/core/v3/QueryExecutorImpl.java:980
  msgid ""
  "The server's client_encoding parameter was changed to {0}. The JDBC driver "
! "requires client_encoding to be UTF8 for correct operation."
  msgstr ""
  #: org/postgresql/core/v3/QueryExecutorImpl.java:986
Index: org/postgresql/translation/pl.po
RCS file: /cvsroot/jdbc/pgjdbc/org/postgresql/translation/pl.po,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -c -r1.3 pl.po
*** org/postgresql/translation/pl.po	25 May 2005 06:09:26 -0000	1.3
--- org/postgresql/translation/pl.po	18 Apr 2011 16:32:52 -0000
*** 216,222 ****
  #, java-format
  msgid ""
  "The server''s client_encoding parameter was changed to {0}. The JDBC driver "
! "requires client_encoding to be UNICODE for correct operation."
  msgstr ""
  #: org/postgresql/core/v3/QueryExecutorImpl.java:1330
--- 216,222 ----
  #, java-format
  msgid ""
  "The server''s client_encoding parameter was changed to {0}. The JDBC driver "
! "requires client_encoding to be UTF8 for correct operation."
  msgstr ""
  #: org/postgresql/core/v3/QueryExecutorImpl.java:1330
Index: org/postgresql/translation/pt_BR.po
RCS file: /cvsroot/jdbc/pgjdbc/org/postgresql/translation/pt_BR.po,v
retrieving revision 1.16
diff -c -r1.16 pt_BR.po
*** org/postgresql/translation/pt_BR.po	1 Jun 2009 23:40:46 -0000	1.16
--- org/postgresql/translation/pt_BR.po	18 Apr 2011 16:32:53 -0000
*** 292,301 ****
  #, java-format
  msgid ""
  "The server''s client_encoding parameter was changed to {0}. The JDBC driver "
! "requires client_encoding to be UNICODE for correct operation."
  msgstr ""
  "O parâmetro do servidor client_encoding foi alterado para {0}. O driver JDBC "
! "requer que o client_encoding seja UNICODE para operação normal."
  #: org/postgresql/core/v3/QueryExecutorImpl.java:1426
  #, java-format
--- 292,301 ----
  #, java-format
  msgid ""
  "The server''s client_encoding parameter was changed to {0}. The JDBC driver "
! "requires client_encoding to be UTF8 for correct operation."
  msgstr ""
  "O parâmetro do servidor client_encoding foi alterado para {0}. O driver JDBC "
! "requer que o client_encoding seja UTF8 para operação normal."
  #: org/postgresql/core/v3/QueryExecutorImpl.java:1426
  #, java-format
Index: org/postgresql/translation/ru.po
RCS file: /cvsroot/jdbc/pgjdbc/org/postgresql/translation/ru.po,v
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -c -r1.6 ru.po
*** org/postgresql/translation/ru.po	22 May 2006 07:15:23 -0000	1.6
--- org/postgresql/translation/ru.po	18 Apr 2011 16:32:53 -0000
*** 297,303 ****
  #, java-format
  msgid ""
  "The server''s client_encoding parameter was changed to {0}. The JDBC driver "
! "requires client_encoding to be UNICODE for correct operation."
  msgstr ""
  #: org/postgresql/core/v3/QueryExecutorImpl.java:1357
--- 297,303 ----
  #, java-format
  msgid ""
  "The server''s client_encoding parameter was changed to {0}. The JDBC driver "
! "requires client_encoding to be UTF8 for correct operation."
  msgstr ""
  #: org/postgresql/core/v3/QueryExecutorImpl.java:1357
Index: org/postgresql/translation/sr.po
RCS file: /cvsroot/jdbc/pgjdbc/org/postgresql/translation/sr.po,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -c -r1.3 sr.po
*** org/postgresql/translation/sr.po	1 Jun 2009 23:39:32 -0000	1.3
--- org/postgresql/translation/sr.po	18 Apr 2011 16:32:53 -0000
*** 289,298 ****
  #, java-format
  msgid ""
  "The server''s client_encoding parameter was changed to {0}. The JDBC driver "
! "requires client_encoding to be UNICODE for correct operation."
  msgstr ""
  "Serverov client_encoding parametar je promenjen u  {0}.JDBC darajver zahteva "
! "UNICODE client_encoding  za uspešno izvršavanje operacije."
  #: org/postgresql/core/v3/QueryExecutorImpl.java:1426
  #, java-format
--- 289,298 ----
  #, java-format
  msgid ""
  "The server''s client_encoding parameter was changed to {0}. The JDBC driver "
! "requires client_encoding to be UTF8 for correct operation."
  msgstr ""
  "Serverov client_encoding parametar je promenjen u  {0}.JDBC darajver zahteva "
! "UTF8 client_encoding  za uspešno izvršavanje operacije."
  #: org/postgresql/core/v3/QueryExecutorImpl.java:1426
  #, java-format
Index: org/postgresql/translation/tr.po
RCS file: /cvsroot/jdbc/pgjdbc/org/postgresql/translation/tr.po,v
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -c -r1.10 tr.po
*** org/postgresql/translation/tr.po	2 Jun 2009 00:04:00 -0000	1.10
--- org/postgresql/translation/tr.po	18 Apr 2011 16:32:53 -0000
*** 286,295 ****
  #, java-format
  msgid ""
  "The server''s client_encoding parameter was changed to {0}. The JDBC driver "
! "requires client_encoding to be UNICODE for correct operation."
  msgstr ""
  "İstemcinin client_encoding parametresi {0} değerine değiştirilmiştir. JDBC "
! "sürücüsünün doğru çalışması için client_encoding parameteresinin UNICODE "
  "olması gerekir."
  #: org/postgresql/core/v3/QueryExecutorImpl.java:1426
--- 286,295 ----
  #, java-format
  msgid ""
  "The server''s client_encoding parameter was changed to {0}. The JDBC driver "
! "requires client_encoding to be UTF8 for correct operation."
  msgstr ""
  "İstemcinin client_encoding parametresi {0} değerine değiştirilmiştir. JDBC "
! "sürücüsünün doğru çalışması için client_encoding parameteresinin UTF8 "
  "olması gerekir."
  #: org/postgresql/core/v3/QueryExecutorImpl.java:1426
Index: org/postgresql/translation/zh_CN.po
RCS file: /cvsroot/jdbc/pgjdbc/org/postgresql/translation/zh_CN.po,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -c -r1.2 zh_CN.po
*** org/postgresql/translation/zh_CN.po	31 Jan 2008 08:58:24 -0000	1.2
--- org/postgresql/translation/zh_CN.po	18 Apr 2011 16:32:54 -0000
*** 275,284 ****
  #, java-format
  msgid ""
  "The server''s client_encoding parameter was changed to {0}. The JDBC driver "
! "requires client_encoding to be UNICODE for correct operation."
  msgstr ""
  "这服务器的 client_encoding 参数被改成 {0},JDBC 驱动程序请求需要 "
! "client_encoding 为 UNICODE 以正确工作。"
  #: org/postgresql/core/v3/QueryExecutorImpl.java:1373
  #, java-format
--- 275,284 ----
  #, java-format
  msgid ""
  "The server''s client_encoding parameter was changed to {0}. The JDBC driver "
! "requires client_encoding to be UTF8 for correct operation."
  msgstr ""
  "这服务器的 client_encoding 参数被改成 {0},JDBC 驱动程序请求需要 "
! "client_encoding 为 UTF8 以正确工作。"
  #: org/postgresql/core/v3/QueryExecutorImpl.java:1373
  #, java-format
Index: org/postgresql/translation/zh_TW.po
RCS file: /cvsroot/jdbc/pgjdbc/org/postgresql/translation/zh_TW.po,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -c -r1.4 zh_TW.po
*** org/postgresql/translation/zh_TW.po	30 Jan 2008 09:16:48 -0000	1.4
--- org/postgresql/translation/zh_TW.po	18 Apr 2011 16:32:54 -0000
*** 275,284 ****
  #, java-format
  msgid ""
  "The server''s client_encoding parameter was changed to {0}. The JDBC driver "
! "requires client_encoding to be UNICODE for correct operation."
  msgstr ""
  "這伺服器的 client_encoding 參數被改成 {0},JDBC 驅動程式請求需要 "
! "client_encoding 為 UNICODE 以正確工作。"
  #: org/postgresql/core/v3/QueryExecutorImpl.java:1373
  #, java-format
--- 275,284 ----
  #, java-format
  msgid ""
  "The server''s client_encoding parameter was changed to {0}. The JDBC driver "
! "requires client_encoding to be UTF8 for correct operation."
  msgstr ""
  "這伺服器的 client_encoding 參數被改成 {0},JDBC 驅動程式請求需要 "
! "client_encoding 為 UTF8 以正確工作。"
  #: org/postgresql/core/v3/QueryExecutorImpl.java:1373
  #, java-format
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