On Tue, 28 May 2002, Michael Meskes wrote:

> This is about pgreplication I think. Is the the replication project of
> choice for pgsql? IIRC there quite some projects for this topic:
> PostgreSQL replicator
> Rserver
> Usogres
> dbbalancer

There's also DBMirror which I submitted to the contrib directory just 
after the 7.2 release. I got an email last month saying that it had been 
applied against the 7.3 tree but I don't see it there.

Its a trigger based lazy replication system and has all the associated 
drawbacks but works for master-slave.  I've been working on adding 
selective replication to it and hope to be able to release another version 
of that in June.

> Michael

Steven Singer                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Aircraft Performance Systems                Phone:  519-747-1170 ext 282
Navtech Systems Support Inc.                AFTN:   CYYZXNSX SITA: YYZNSCR
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