
The first PostgreSQL Session organized by Dalibo last february was
a big success. More than 80 public and private participants gathered in

Dalibo and Oslandia want to carry on this success and set up a
new conference day dedicated to PostGIS, on June 23d in Paris.


The call for paper for this second session is now open. Here is some
expected topics (non-exhaustive list) :

  * Feedback on information systems architectures using PostGIS in
specific contexts ("exotic" constraints, high volumes…)
  * decision process of GIS database
  * migration from another spatial DB
  * PostGIS 2.0 new features, WKT Raster
  * Interoperability between PostGIS 2.0 and other softwares
  * Link between PostgreSQL and PostGIS, and planned evolution
  * etc.

Talks duration will be 45', including a 15' questions and answers session.

Thank you for sending the following elements at contact@postgresql-
sessions.org before april 22d :
  * Presentation title
  * Name of speaker(s)
  * Summary of presentation (100-250 words)

For any question, do not hesitate to contact us :

If you have any friends or colleagues that you think would be interested
in giving a talk, please forward this message to them!

PS : Slides from the first PG Session are available at :


damien clochard
dalibo.com | dalibo.org

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