On Sat, Feb 26, 2011 at 4:33 AM, Grzegorz Jaskiewicz
<g...@pointblue.com.pl> wrote:
> On 25 Feb 2011, at 13:18, Robert Haas wrote:
>>  People coming from Oracle are not favorably
>> impressed either by the amount of monitoring data PostgreSQL can
>> gather or by the number of knobs that are available to fix problems
>> when they occur.  We don't need to have as many knobs as Oracle and we
>> probably don't want to, and for that matter we probably couldn't if we
>> did want to for lack of manpower, but that doesn't mean we should have
>> none.
> Still, having more data a user can probe would be nice.
> I wonder why everyone avoids Microsoft's approach to the subject. Apparently, 
> they go in the 'auto-tune as much as possible' direction.
> And tests we did a while ago, involving asking team from Microsoft and a team 
> from oracle to optimise set of queries for the same set of data (bookies 
> data, loads of it) showed that the auto-tuning Microsoft has in their
> sql server performed much better than a team of over-sweating oracle dba's.

I don't think *anyone* is avoiding that approach.  There is almost
universal consensus here that auto-tuning is better than manual
tuning, even to the extent of being unwilling to add knobs to allow
manual tuning of settings we have no idea how to auto-tune and no
plans to auto-tune.

> In my current work place/camp we have many deployments of the same system, 
> over different types of machines, each with different customer data that vary 
> so much that queries need to be rather generic.
> Postgresql shows its strength with planner doing a good job for different 
> variants of data, however we do a very little tweaking to the configuration 
> parameters. Just because it is just too hard to overlook all of them.
> I guess that the systems could behave much better, but no one is going to 
> tweak settings for 50 different installations over 50 different type of data 
> and 50 different sets of hardware.
> If there was even a tiny amount of automation provided in the postgresql, I 
> would welcome it with open arms.

What do you have in mind?

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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