(Jeff Davis) writes:
> On Tue, 2011-02-08 at 15:10 -0500, Chris Browne wrote:
>> It's more than a bit sad...  The RangeType change has the massive merit
>> of enabling some substantial development changes, where we can get rid
>> of whole classes of comparison clauses, and hopefully whole classes of
>> range errors.  That was my favorite would-be feature for 9.1.
> I appreciate the support.
> If you take the feature for a quick spin before the next commitfest,
> that would be a big help. If I get it in the first commitfest of 9.2
> that may mean some follow-up features, like RANGE KEYs/FKs, and maybe
> even RANGE JOIN might have a chance for 9.2 as well. Or, maybe some
> other features might find it useful, like partitioning or audit logs.

I've found my "wish item"...  I wish that queries could expand ranges in
much the same fashion that BETWEEN expands into two query nodes.

That way, you can use a range to pick data from a large table, and not
revert to a Seq Scan+Filter, which is what I'm seeing for the following
sort of query:

   select * from some_data where '[2010-01-01,2010-02-01)'::daterange @> 
let name="cbbrowne" and tld="" in String.concat "@" [name;tld];;
Rules of the Evil Overlord  #162. "If I steal something very important
to the hero, I will not put it on public display.

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