On Mon, 2011-02-07 at 13:33 +0100, Dimitri Fontaine wrote:
> Hi,
> Jeff Davis <pg...@j-davis.com> writes:
> >   * Should pg_range reference the btree opclass or the compare function
> > directly?
> I would say yes.  We use the btree opclass in other similar situations.

Ok, but what should the parameter to CREATE TYPE ... AS RANGE be then?

  SUBTYPE = ...

is a little verbose. Ideas?

> Is there any reason to restrict who's get to use the feature?  I don't
> see any…

Mostly just paranoia. If they define a strange canonical function, maybe
that would cause a problem. Then again, they would have to define that
in C to cause a problem anyway. I'll leave it as superuser-only for now,
and see if anyone else raises potential problems.

> >   * Should the SQL (inlinable) function "length", which relies on
> > polymorphic "-", be immutable, strict, or volatile?
> I would think stable: polymorphic means that the function
> implementing the "-" operator depends on the argument.  I don't recall
> that it depends on them in a volatile way… except if you change the
> operator definition, which is possible to do (so not immutable).

I was concerned about someone defining "-" with a stable or volatile
function as the definition. I'm not sure if that is a reasonable concern
or not.

> >   * Later we might consider whether we should include btree_gist in
> > core, to make range types more useful with exclusion constraints
> > out-of-the-box. This should be left for later, I'm just including this
> > for the archives so it doesn't get lost.
> I would expect the extension to have something to offer here.

Yes. With extensions and PGXN, I would hope that installing btree_gist
would not be much of a problem. However, I eventually intend to submit
features like "RANGE KEY", a language extension that would need
something like btree_gist to work very well at all. Technically
btree_gist is not required, but in practice it is necessary to use
ranges and exclusion constraints together effectively.

        Jeff Davis

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