On 02/01/2011 03:36 AM, Robert Haas wrote:
On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 5:40 PM, Nick Rudnick<joerg.rudn...@t-online.de>  wrote:
* In this regard it is of interest in how far there are principal efficiency
problems with the support of (deeply nested) object like structure by the
backend, or if the backend may be expected to do this job not terribly worse
then more specialized OODMS -- of course, I would be interested in any
discussions of these topics...
I simply don't know what a more-specialized OODBMS would do that is
similar to or different than what PostgreSQL does, so it's hard to
comment.  I don't immediately see why we'd be any less efficient, but
without knowing what algorithms are in use on the other side, it's a
bit hard to say.

I assume this is a questions for experts in DB optimization -- I am afraid that the indices or the query optimization might be suboptimal for deeply nested structures -- on the other hand, it might be possible that somebody would say that, with some WHISKY indices (;-)) or the like, PostgreSQL would do good. After all, PostgreSQL (and I guess the backend, too) is a very modular piece of software...
* The same question for doing rule bases on top of the PostgreSQL backend...
I'm not sure if you're referring to the type of rules added by the SQL
command CREATE RULE here, or some other kind of rule.  But the rules
added by CREATE RULE are generally not too useful.  Most serious
server programming is done using triggers.
For the kind usage of I am interested in please look:

And yes, this can be done -- here an inelegant example (with many obvious todos), demonstrating the simple «Colonel West example» of Artificial Intelligence, a Modern Approach by Russell/Norvig in plain PostgreSQL RULEs (in attachment, too):

= 8< ==========================================
-- for primordial facts:
CREATE TABLE american(person text);
CREATE TABLE missile(thing text);
CREATE TABLE owns(owner text, property text);
CREATE TABLE enemy(person text, target text);

-- for derived facts:
CREATE TABLE weapon(thing text);
CREATE TABLE sells(seller text, thing text, buyer text);
CREATE TABLE hostile(person text);
CREATE TABLE criminal(person text);

-- rules:
CREATE RULE missile_is_a_weapon AS
       ON INSERT TO missile
       DO ALSO
       INSERT INTO weapon SELECT NEW.thing;

CREATE RULE enemy_of_america_is_hostile AS
       ON INSERT TO enemy WHERE NEW.target = 'America'
       DO ALSO
       INSERT INTO hostile SELECT NEW.person;

-- nono_can_get_missiles_only_from_west
CREATE RULE nono_can_get_missiles_only_from_west__missile AS
       ON INSERT TO missile
       DO ALSO
       INSERT INTO sells
       SELECT 'West' AS seller, NEW.thing, 'Nono' AS buyer
       FROM owns WHERE owner='Nono' AND property=NEW.thing;

CREATE RULE nono_can_get_missiles_only_from_west__owns AS
       ON INSERT TO owns WHERE NEW.owner='Nono'
       DO ALSO
       INSERT INTO sells
       SELECT 'West' AS seller, NEW.property, 'Nono' AS buyer
       FROM missile WHERE thing=NEW.property;

-- americans_selling_weapons_to_hostiles_are_criminal
CREATE RULE americans_selling_weapons_to_hostiles_are_criminal__hostile AS
       ON INSERT TO hostile
       DO ALSO
       INSERT INTO criminal
       SELECT seller FROM sells, weapon, american
       WHERE sells.buyer=NEW.person
                AND sells.thing=weapon.thing
             AND sells.seller=american.person;

CREATE RULE americans_selling_weapons_to_hostiles_are_criminal__weapon AS
       ON INSERT TO weapon
       DO ALSO
       INSERT INTO criminal
       SELECT seller FROM sells, hostile, american
       WHERE sells.buyer=hostile.person
                AND sells.thing=NEW.thing
             AND sells.seller=american.person;

CREATE RULE americans_selling_weapons_to_hostiles_are_criminal__american AS
       ON INSERT TO american
       DO ALSO
       INSERT INTO criminal
       SELECT seller FROM sells, hostile, weapon
       WHERE sells.buyer=hostile.person
                AND sells.thing=weapon.thing
             AND sells.seller=NEW.person;

CREATE RULE americans_selling_weapons_to_hostiles_are_criminal__sells AS
       ON INSERT TO sells
       DO ALSO
       INSERT INTO criminal
       SELECT NEW.seller FROM american, hostile, weapon
       WHERE NEW.buyer=hostile.person
                AND NEW.thing=weapon.thing
             AND NEW.seller=american.person;

-- entering some facts now:
INSERT INTO enemy VALUES('Nono','America');
INSERT INTO owns VALUES('Nono','M1');
INSERT INTO american VALUES('West');

-- querying the database:
SELECT * FROM criminal;
= 8< ==========================================

If this could be done efficiently, it would allow many interesting applications -- I guess that e.g., in combination with the XML functionality, a big part of semantic web engine functionality might be given. I am also more optimistic in this case, as I guess relational algebra is much closer related to Datalog logic programming (which seems to be gaining more interest lately) than to OO.

* For teaching at university courses, on the other hand, efficiency would be
of lower interest, so there was an idea that there might be some (possibly
toy example like) efforts to tune the frontend into this direction.
You're still being awfully vague about what you mean by "this direction".

Please excuse -- I cannot speak for this professor... his other option is using Oracle for teaching, which might support ORDBMS functionality slightly more -- anything more interesting (for teaching purposes!!!) would speak for PostgreSQL.

Cheers, Nick

-- for primordial facts:
CREATE TABLE american(person text);
CREATE TABLE missile(thing text);
CREATE TABLE owns(owner text, property text);
CREATE TABLE enemy(person text, target text);

-- for derived facts:
CREATE TABLE weapon(thing text);
CREATE TABLE sells(seller text, thing text, buyer text);
CREATE TABLE hostile(person text);
CREATE TABLE criminal(person text);

-- rules:
CREATE RULE missile_is_a_weapon AS
	   ON INSERT TO missile 
	   DO ALSO 
	   INSERT INTO weapon SELECT NEW.thing;

CREATE RULE enemy_of_america_is_hostile AS
	   ON INSERT TO enemy WHERE NEW.target = 'America'
	   INSERT INTO hostile SELECT NEW.person;

-- nono_can_get_missiles_only_from_west
CREATE RULE nono_can_get_missiles_only_from_west__missile AS
	   ON INSERT TO missile
	   INSERT INTO sells
	   SELECT 'West' AS seller, NEW.thing, 'Nono' AS buyer 
	   FROM owns WHERE owner='Nono' AND property=NEW.thing;

CREATE RULE nono_can_get_missiles_only_from_west__owns AS
	   ON INSERT TO owns WHERE NEW.owner='Nono'
	   INSERT INTO sells
	   SELECT 'West' AS seller, NEW.property, 'Nono' AS buyer 
	   FROM missile WHERE thing=NEW.property;

-- americans_selling_weapons_to_hostiles_are_criminal
CREATE RULE americans_selling_weapons_to_hostiles_are_criminal__hostile AS
	   ON INSERT TO hostile
	   INSERT INTO criminal
	   SELECT seller FROM sells, weapon, american
	   WHERE sells.buyer=NEW.person 
	   		 AND sells.thing=weapon.thing
			 AND sells.seller=american.person;

CREATE RULE americans_selling_weapons_to_hostiles_are_criminal__weapon AS
	   ON INSERT TO weapon
	   INSERT INTO criminal
	   SELECT seller FROM sells, hostile, american
	   WHERE sells.buyer=hostile.person 
	   		 AND sells.thing=NEW.thing
			 AND sells.seller=american.person;

CREATE RULE americans_selling_weapons_to_hostiles_are_criminal__american AS
	   ON INSERT TO american
	   INSERT INTO criminal
	   SELECT seller FROM sells, hostile, weapon
	   WHERE sells.buyer=hostile.person 
	   		 AND sells.thing=weapon.thing
			 AND sells.seller=NEW.person;

CREATE RULE americans_selling_weapons_to_hostiles_are_criminal__sells AS
	   ON INSERT TO sells
	   INSERT INTO criminal
	   SELECT NEW.seller FROM american, hostile, weapon
	   WHERE NEW.buyer=hostile.person 
	   		 AND NEW.thing=weapon.thing
			 AND NEW.seller=american.person;

-- entering some facts now:
INSERT INTO enemy VALUES('Nono','America');
INSERT INTO owns VALUES('Nono','M1');
INSERT INTO american VALUES('West');

-- querying the database:
SELECT * FROM criminal;
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