On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 3:12 AM, Simon Riggs <si...@2ndquadrant.com> wrote:

> > We have the funding.  We're looking for mentors.  Next we'll just
> > about ready to open the application process.  But I'd expect several
> > weeks to pass before have ready to look at applicants.

> You're paying the reviewers; are you paying the mentors?

I don't believe that PgUS can use the word "pay."  Since PgUS is a 501(c)3
non-profit organization, there are restrictions how funding can be used.
One such way is to award grants to provide a learning experience by
development of a well defined deliverable.

 are you paying the mentors?

Honestly, I hadn't considered the possibility of funding mentors.   I'll
have to raise this question with PgUS to see if there is a provision for
this.  However at this point-in-time, I am only proposing funding the
reviewer.  The utlimate goal is to add more people to the ranks of

> Are the mentors restricted to being US members?

The mentors can be anyone.  If the possibility exists that PgUS can fund
mentors, then prospective mentors will need to be or become  members of

Richard Broersma Jr.

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