> Hm- if the unlogged tables are being used as HTTP transient state storage, it 
> would be handy to have that (admittedly non-essential) data on the standby 
> when it becomes master, even if there are no guarantees surrounding the data 
> beyond "it looked like this at some point". Since the tables are not writing 
> WAL, would it be possible to allow for writing to unlogged tables on the 
> standby to allow for out-of-band syncing? Otherwise, it seems the only 
> alternative is to push changes to a separate database on the standby machine 
> and then suck the data in when it becomes master.

It would be useful (this would allow per-standby buffer tables, for that
matter), but it would also be tremendously difficult.  Seems worthy of a
TODO, though.

                                  -- Josh Berkus
                                     PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

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