On 05/01/11 04:43, Devrim GÜNDÜZ wrote:
On Fri, 2010-12-31 at 11:11 +1300, Mark Kirkwood wrote:
I note that this uninitialized pages with standbys has cropped up from
time to time - I wonder if in most/all the cases folk were using
I deployed Pitrtools a lot when I was working for CMD, and I haven't
seen any issues with that. It is just a wrapper, nothing else...

Note that if you perform the backup step when the system is quiet then there is typically no problem with the standby - it is only when the backup coincides with any level of activity that you can elicit the previously mentioned problems.

Obviously the case I have included in the first mail shows up the problem immediately, but in fact it is reasonably hard to trigger and I spent quite a while getting to the state of being able to trigger the uninitialized pages on demand.

While Pitrtools it is a wrapper, the use of "--exclude=backup_label" is incorrect and needs to be removed.



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