On Mon, Dec 27, 2010 at 4:21 PM, Bruce Momjian <br...@momjian.us> wrote:
> Dmitriy Igrishin wrote:
>> IMO, it would be better to implement some utility functions to
>> make it easy to construct arrays dynamically for PQexecParams
>> and PQexecPrepared. This seems to me more universal solution
>> and it is useful for both -- high level libpq-libraries authors and for
>> those who like to use libpq directly.
> Is there a TODO here?

As stated upthread, this has already been done in a very robust
fashion, aka libpqtypes (for example, review
http://libpqtypes.esilo.com/man3/PQexecf.html and put it in context of
the OP's request).  libpq was specifically amended to support
libpqtypes as a compromise solution after it was determined that it
was too complex and controversial to merit review for inclusion into
the core project.  IMNSHO, if there is a TODO, it should probably be
to consider libpqtypes for contrib (which we don't have time for atm).


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