Magnus Hagander <> writes:
> Found another problem in it: when running with an older version of
> dbghelp.dll (which I was), it simply didn't work. We need to grab the
> version of dbghelp.dll at runtime and pick which things we're going to
> dump based on that.

> The attached version of the patch does that. Can you please test that
> it still generates the full dump on your system, which supposedly has
> a much more modern version of dbghelp.dll than mine?

This version of the patch looks fairly sane in terms of how it connects
to the rest of the code; but I'm unqualified to comment on the
Windows-specific code.

One thought is maybe the call point should be in startup_hacks() rather
than the main line of main()?  I'm not terribly set on it if you don't
like that.

Also, I notice that the comment for startup_hacks() claims that it isn't
executed in subprocesses, which is evidently an obsolete statement ---
that should get cleaned up independently of this.

                        regards, tom lane

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