Ian Barwick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> How can I restrict the query to the schemas in the 
> current search path, i.e. the schema names returned
> by SELECT current_schemas() ?

Well, this is the issue open for public discussion.

We could define some function along the lines of
"is_visible_table(oid) returns bool", and then you could use
that as a WHERE clause in your query.  But I'm worried about
the performance implications --- is_visible_table() would have
to do several retail probes of the system tables, and I don't
see any way to optimize that across hundreds of table OIDs.

I have a nagging feeling that this could be answered by defining
a view on pg_class that only shows visible tables ... but I don't
quite see how to define that efficiently, either.  Ideas anyone?

                        regards, tom lane

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