Peter Eisentraut <> writes:
> Is there a reason why there are two spaces after the first colon in
>     "Sort Method:  %s  %s: %ldkB\n"

> Is the second part (Disk/Memory) considered part of the sort method?

I think of it as a separate field that we cram onto the same line (in
the textual output format) for space reasons.  In the machine-readable
formats it's definitely separate.

I agree it seems a bit inconsistent that there are two spaces after
one colon and only one after the other.  I must have thought it was
a good idea at the time, but now I don't remember why.  Since we
don't seem to put two spaces after any other colon in text format,
    "Sort Method: %s  %s: %ldkB\n"
would be better.  Is that what you were thinking?

                        regards, tom lane

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