I am probably just being thick, but how is your idea different from create domain: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/sql-createdomain.html
From: pgsql-hackers-ow...@postgresql.org [mailto:pgsql-hackers-ow...@postgresql.org] On Behalf Of ghatpa...@vsnl.net Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2010 2:20 AM To: pgsql hackers Subject: [HACKERS] Proposal: First step towards Intelligent,integrated database Importance: High Hello, Here is the proposal: My 1st step towards Intelligent, Integrated database. I am explaining the proposal with the use of example. Example: We will have a master table say CustMast and a transaction table say salesOrder table. View of CustMast: CustCode Number(5), CustName Varchar(30), CustAdrsLine1 Varchar, CustAdrsLine2 varchar etc. View of SalesOrder: Sordno Number(8), Sorddt date, CustCode Number(5) - present way of defining. Proposed way is: CustCode Object CustMast. --- New data type to be introduced called "O" Object and create table definition to be modified whenever data type is 'O', it will accept object name (in this case table name). Here I want to inform data definition that field and its data type is already defined in master table and use the same data type here and both tables are linked with this field. We will be using same field name in both tables if not along with table name field name is to be accepted in create table definition. Advantages: 1. Now database knows that custcode in salesorder is a foreign key, a table constraint can be created. It also knows that index to be created on this field. 2. In present situation select statement for selecting values from join of both tables will be Select sordno, sorddt, custcode, custname, custadrsline1 from salesorder, custmast where salesorder.custcode=custmast.custcode. 3. In proposed way we can write this statement as: Select sordno, sorddt, custcode, custname, custadrsline1 from salesorder (with proper changes in program which pickup values from select statement. 4. Field can be from another table in same database or from Excel sheet column. 5. Views need not be created as all tables are properly linked with each other in an application. 6. This is only first step and many advantages can be a result of brainstorm. 7. This will change RDBMS, Tools and ERP to next generation. For any clarifications pl contact. Pl give your feedback. Regards Many, Vijay Ghatpande. Cell: +91 9822456142.