Excerpts from Florian Pflug's message of sáb nov 27 01:29:39 -0300 2010:
> On Nov26, 2010, at 21:06 , Alvaro Herrera wrote:

> > The problem with this idea is that it's not possible to implement it.
> How so? The implementation you proposed in your blog should work fine for 
> this. XMAX_KEY_LOCK would signal that only fields from set (B) are locked, 
> while XMAX_SHARE_LOCK (or however thats called, didn't check the code) would 
> signal that all fields are locked. These are the only two field sets that 
> we'd support, and for any set of columns the user specified we'd pick the 
> smallest superset of the set we *do* support and use that (Thus, we obtain a 
> key lock if only fields from a unique index where specified, and a share lock 
> otherwise).
> The only difference is that instead of presenting this to the user as an 
> entirely new lock type, we instead present it as a generalization of SHARE 
> locks. The advantage being that *if* we ever figure out a way to support more 
> fine-grained locking of fields, (say, locking only the fields contain in some 
> *specific* index, maybe by storing locking the index tuple), we can do so 
> completely transparent to the user.

Oh, I see.  Yeah, perhaps this could work.  I'll have a look at both

Álvaro Herrera <alvhe...@commandprompt.com>
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support

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