Hi all,

I've already posted, a few weeks ago a concern about timestamp and

My problem was that on my 7.1.3 db, I have timestamp columns with
fonctinal indices as date(column).

Thes indices (indexes) wont work anymore because they're not marked loosy.

I've been told that I should go for timestamp without timezone instead,
witch is okay because all timezones are the same. However, what happens
with daylight saving calculations. Is it still take into account??

Many thaks for that great product!


Olivier PRENANT                 Tel:    +33-5-61-50-97-00 (Work)
Quartier d'Harraud Turrou           +33-5-61-50-97-01 (Fax)
31190 AUTERIVE                      +33-6-07-63-80-64 (GSM)
FRANCE                      Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Make your life a dream, make your dream a reality. (St Exupery)

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