On Thu, 25 Nov 2010 11:28:02 -0800, Maciek Sakrejda
>> So, to summarise, I shouldn't believe server DescribeRow (in context of
>> format), in this situation, but only I should look at this what I asked
>> for, isn't it? If I asked for columns in binary format, I need to do
>> binary reading regarding what server has responded?
> Yes, because in this case "0" doesn't mean "the result will be in
> text", it means, "you issued the statement-variant of Describe, so I'm
> not sure what the result format will be yet."
>> If I asked for odd columns in text, even in binary do I need to choose
>> proper format basing only on my request?
> I don't quite understand this question, but I think so. I don't think
> there's ever a situation where the server will ignore your result
> format requests.
>> But to the last part of cited protocol specification, when I've sent
>> message with statement parameter's type int4, int8, varchar the format
>> field wasn't set to 0, but 1.
> I wasn't able to reproduce that with my standalone test case. When I
> changed the parameter oid to 23, I still got the same behavior. Can
> you alter my test case to reproduce the error?
I will do it tomorrow.

In this situation I need to test portals as well.

> ---
> Maciek Sakrejda | System Architect | Truviso
> 1065 E. Hillsdale Blvd., Suite 215
> Foster City, CA 94404
> (650) 242-3500 Main
> www.truviso.com

Radosław Smogura

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