On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 11:54 PM, Pavel Stehule <pavel.steh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Pavel Stehule <pavel.steh...@gmail.com>
> Date: 2010/11/18
> Subject: Re: patch: format function, next generation
> To: Jeff Janes <jeff.ja...@gmail.com>
> Kopie: pgsql-hackers-ow...@postgresql.org
> Hello
> somebody takes my oid :)
> updated patch is in attachment
> Regards
> Pavel Stehule

Dear Pavel and Hackers,

I've reviewed this patch.  It applied, makes, and passes make check.
It has added regression tests that seem appropriate.  I think the
feature added matches the consensus that emerged from the very long
email discussion.  The C code seems fine (to my meager abilities to
judge that).

But I think the documentation does need some work.  From func.sgml:

         This functions can be used to create a formated string or
message. There are allowed
         three types of tags: %s as string, %I as SQL identifiers and
%L as SQL literals. Attention:
         result for %I and %L must not be same as result of
<function>quote_ident</function> and
         <function>quote_literal</function> functions, because this
function doesn't try to coerce
         parameters to <type>text</type> type and directly use a
type's output functions. The placeholder
         can be related to some explicit parameter with using a
optional n$ specification inside format.

Should we make it explicit that this is inspired by C's sprintf?  Do
we want to call them "tags"?  This is introducing what seems to be a
new word to describe what are usually (I think) called "conversion

"Must not be the same"  should be "Might not be the same".   However,
it does not appear that quote_ident is willing to use coercion at all,
and the %L behavior is more comparable to quote_nullable.


This function can be used to create a formatted string suitable for
use as dynamic
SQL or as a message.  There are three types of conversion specifiers:
%s for literal strings, %I
for SQL identifiers, and %L for SQL literals.  Note that the results
of the %L conversion
might not be the same as the results of the
<function>quote_nullable</function> function, as
the latter coerces its argument to <type>text</type> while
uses a type's output function.  A conversion can reference an explicit
parameter position
by using an optional "n$" in the format specification.

Does "type's output function" need to cross-reference someplace?
coercion is described elsewhere in this section of docs, but output
functions are not.

And for the changes to plpgsql.sgml, I would propose:

     Building a string for dynamic SQL statement can be simplified
     by using the <function>format</function> function (see <xref
EXECUTE format('UPDATE tbl SET %I = %L WHERE key = %L', colname,
newvalue, keyvalue);
    The <function>format</function> format can be used together with
     the <literal>USING</literal> clause:
EXECUTE format('UPDATE tbl SET %I = $1 WHERE key = $2', colname)
   USING newvalue, keyvalue;
     This form is more efficient because the parameters
     <literal>newvalue</literal> and <literal>keyvalue</literal> are
not converted to text.

These are mostly grammatical changes, but with the last three lines I
may have missed the meaning of what you originally intended--I'm not
sure on that.



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