On 11/05/2010 04:27 PM, David E. Wheeler wrote:
Fellow Hackers,

I'm writing a function to turn an EXPLAIN plan into a table with columns. As 
such, I need to have a complete list of the various bits of each plan node and 
their types for the table. Here's what I've got so far:

     "Node Type"           TEXT,
     "Strategy"            TEXT,
     "Startup Cost"        NUMERIC,
     "Total Cost"          NUMERIC,
     "Plan Rows"           INTEGER,
     "Plan Width"          INTEGER,
     "Actual Startup Time" NUMERIC,
     "Actual Total Time"   NUMERIC,
     "Actual Rows"         INTEGER,
     "Actual Width"        INTEGER,
     "Actual Loops"        INTEGER,
     "Parent Relationship" TEXT
     "Sort Key"            TEXT[],
     "Sort Method"         TEXT,
     "Sort-Space-Used"     TEXT,
     "Sort-Space-Type"     TEXT,
     "Join Type"           TEXT,
     "Join Filter"         TEXT,
     "Hash Cond"           TEXT,
     "Relation Name"       NAME,
     "Alias"               NAME,
     "Scan Direction"      TEXT,
     "Index Name"          NAME,
     "Index Cond"          TEXT,
     "Subplan Name"        TEXT,
     "Function Name"       TEXT,
     "Filter"              TEXT


* Am I missing any?
* Are the data types correct?
* Is there some place in the source with a canonical list?


Of course, there are containers too, which are not in your list at all. How do you intend to represent the tree-ish structure in a flat table?



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