You should enjoy one of the patches we're furiously working on then,
which is aiming at some of the administration and monitoring pieces

Great, glad to hear it!  Would you be willing to go into detail?

I have my own grand vision of how easy replication should be to
setup too.

So, share it. I'd look forward to hearing it, especially since your vision probably takes synch rep and quorum commit into account, which mine doesn't. If not here, then on your blog.

Visions and plans are nice, but building functional pieces of
them and delivering them to the community is what actually moves
PostgreSQL forward.

*shrug*. Robert asked me to write it up for the list based on the discussions around synch rep. Now you're going to bash me for doing so?

Many of the goals I described will mean removing knobs and changing defaults, or even foregoing fine-grained control entirely. If we don't have agreement that simplifying replication is a high-priority goal, then it won't happen; anyone submitting a patch will be this-or-that-use-cased to death and will give up.

For that matter, I'm not sure that everyone agrees that simplification is a worthwhile goal. For example, somewhere between 9.0beta4 and final release, someone changed the defaults for max_wal_senders and hot_standby to "0" and "off". I don't remember there even being discussion about it.

The discussion around synch rep certainly showed that the "natural" tendency of this list is to add complexity with each incarnation of a feature. It's the easiest way to accomodate conflicting use cases, but it's not the best way.

                                  -- Josh Berkus
                                     PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

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