Alvaro Herrera <> writes:
> Okay.  I looked at the code and I have to admit that it seems awkward to
> have pg_dump left-joining everything against pg_depend and checking for
> NULLs.  I wondered if there was a simpler way to go about it, perhaps
> using EXCEPT?  No specific proposal though.

Thanks for your time and review!

The LEFT JOIN WHERE right IS NULL is the first thing that I though
about, if it looks ugly I'll rework the queries, ok.

> Maybe it would be worthwhile to split the parts that parse a file and
> execute from a file, and submit separately.  It is obviously
> self-contained and serves a useful purpose on its own.  It also forces
> you to think harder about renaming the parse function :-)

The cfparser code is extracted from xlog.c and I left it as-is, so the
function is till named parseRecoveryCommandFileLine. If cfparser has a
file name is ok, I could rename the function cfParseOneLine?

I'll send separate patches for that and pg_execute_from_file() then.

Dimitri Fontaine     PostgreSQL : Expertise, Formation et Support

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