> >> With fairly vanilla configure options, I get...
> > Please be specific on the options and platform.
> HPUX 10.20,
> ./configure --with-CXX --with-tcl --enable-cassert

Boy, how plain-vanilla. *My* configure line is all of

./configure --prefix=/home/thomas/local

But I do override some parameters in my Makefile.custom:


Which gives me (except for the plan tree thing) something very similar.

I've looked a bit more, and the set_name_needs_quotes() is probably
obsoleted by my update, which generalizes parameter handling in SET
variables. I'll rip it out unless we get a test case in the regression
tests which demonstrates a problem. I'm pretty sure that it may have

  SET key='par1 w space,par2';

but that would be handled now by

  SET key='par1 w space',par2;

for cases in which "key" would accept multiple values. We now can allow
single parameters with embedded commas *and* whitespace, which would
have been impossible before. Not sure why white space is desirable
however, so the new behavior seems adequate to me.

I'm still not sure why the INT64CONST conflict does not show up as a
warning on my machine, but looking at the code I'm not sure why we would
ever have had two versions in the first place. Anyone want to take
responsibility for consolidating it into The Right Place? If not, I'll
go ahead and do it...

                    - Thomas

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