On 10/06/2010 10:53 AM, Heikki Linnakangas wrote:
> Wow, that is really short. Are you sure? I have no first hand experience
> with DRBD,

Neither do I.

> and reading that man page, I get the impression that the
> timeout us just for deciding that the TCP connection is dead. There is
> also the ko-count parameter, which defaults to zero. I would guess that
> ko-count=0 is "wait forever", while ko-count=1 is what you described,
> but I'm not sure.

Yeah, sounds more likely. Then I'm surprised that I didn't find any
warning that the Protocol C definitely reduces availability (with the
ko-count=0 default, that is). Instead, they only state that it's the
most used replication mode, which really makes me wonder. [1]

Sorry for adding confusion by not researching properly.


Markus Wanner

[1] DRDB Repliaction Modes

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