Robert Haas <> wrote:
> What is the use case for the status quo?
Much simplified:

create table party
  countyno smallint not null,
  caseno varchar(14) not null,
  partyno smallint not null,
  name text not null,
  address text,
  isaddrsealed boolean not null,
  primary key (countyno, caseno, partyno)

create table sealedaddrauth
  userid text not null primary key

create view partyview as
  select countyno, caseno, partyno,
      when isaddrsealed and not exists
       (select * from sealedaddrauth
        where userid = current_user)
      then '*** SEALED ***'
      else address
    end as address,
  from party

insert into party values (1,'2010FA000123',1,'Jane Doe',
'123 Victim Ave., Anytown, WI 53599',true);
insert into party values (1,'2010FA000123',2,'John Doe',
'123 Stalker St., Hometown, WI 53666',false);
-- Kevin

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