
2010/9/29 Itagaki Takahiro <itagaki.takah...@gmail.com>:
> On Thu, Sep 9, 2010 at 8:57 PM, Pavel Stehule <pavel.steh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I am sending a updated version.
>> changes:
>> * tag %v removed from format function,
>> * proprietary tags %lq a iq removed from sprintf
>> * code cleaned
>> patch divided to two parts - format function and stringfunc (contains
>> sprintf function and substitute function)
> === Discussions about the spec ===
> Two patches add format() into the core, and substitute() and sprintf() into
> stringfunc contrib module. But will we have 3 versions of string formatters?
> IMHO, substitute() is the best choice that we will have in the core because
> functionalities in format() and sprintf() can be achieved by combination of
> substitute() and quote_nullable(), quote_ident(), or to_char(). I think the
> core will provide only simple and non-overlapped features. Users can write
> wrapper functions by themselves if they think the description is redundant.

I think we need a three variants of formating functions - "format" in
core, fo simply creating and building a messages, a SQL strings,
"sprintf" for traditionalist in contrib - this functions isn't well
joined to SQL environment and it's too heavy - more it overwrite a
some functionality of "to_char" function. "substitute" function
provide just positional unformatted parameters - that isn't typical
ucase - so must not be in core too.

> === format.diff ===
> * It has a reject in doc, but the hunk can be fixed easily.
>    1 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file 
> doc/src/sgml/func.sgml.rej
>  COMMENT: We have the function list in alphabetical order,


>  so format() should be inserted after encode().
> * It can be built without compile warnings.
> * Enough documentation and regression tests are included.
> === stringfunc.diff ===
> * It can be applied cleanly and built without compile warnings.
> * Documentation is included, but not enough.
>  COMMENT: According to existing docs, function list are described with
>  <variablelist> or <table>.


> * Enough regression tests are included.
> * COMMENT: stringfunc directory should be added to contrib/Makefile.
> * BUG: stringfunc_substitute_nv() calls text_format().
>  I think we don't need stringfunc_substitute_nv at all.
>  It can be replaced by stringfunc_substitute(). _nv version is only
>  required if it is in the core because of sanity regression test.

you have a true - but I am not sure about coding patters for contribs,
so I designed it with respect to core sanity check.

> * BUG?: The doc says sprintf() doesn't support length modifiers,
>  but it is actually supported in broken state:

I was wrong in documentation - length modifiers are supported -
positional modifiers are not supported. fixed.

> postgres=# SELECT sprintf('%*s', 2, 'ABC');
>  sprintf
> ---------
>  ABC      <= should be ERROR if unsupported, or AB if supported.
> (1 row)

it works well - "with" modifier doesn't reduce string. String is
stripped by "precision" modifiers.

SELECT sprintf('%*.s', 2, ABC) --> AB

checked via gcc

please, try
printf(">>%s<<\n", "12345678");
printf(">>%3s<<\n", "12345678");
printf(">>%.3s<<\n", "12345678");
printf(">>%10.3s<<\n", "12345678");

do you understand me, why I "dislike" "printf"? How much people knows
well these formatting rules?

> * BUG?: ereport(ERROR,
>          errmsg("unsupported tag \"%%%c\"", tag)));
>  Is the code ok if the tag (a char) is a partial byte of multi-byte character?

it's bug - the supported tags are only single byte, but unsupported
tag can be multibyte character and must by showed correctly - fixed.

>  My machine prints ? in the case, but it might be platform-dependent.
> === Both patches ===
> * Performance: I don't think those functions are not performance-critical,
>  but we could cache typoutput functions in fn_extra if needed.
>  record_out would be a reference.

I though about it too and I checked it now - there is 0.4% performance
on 10000000 rows on my PC (format function) - so  I don't do any
changes - caching of oids means a few lines more - but here isn't
expected effect.

> * Coding: Whitespace and tabs are mixed in some places. They are not so
>  important because we will run pgindent, but careful choice will be
>  preferred even of a patch.

checked, fixed

Thank you very much for review


Pavel Stehule

> --
> Itagaki Takahiro
*** ./doc/src/sgml/func.sgml.orig	2010-09-09 02:48:22.000000000 +0200
--- ./doc/src/sgml/func.sgml	2010-09-29 07:18:59.845395002 +0200
*** 1272,1277 ****
--- 1272,1280 ----
+     <primary>format</primary>
+    </indexterm>
+    <indexterm>
*** 1495,1500 ****
--- 1498,1520 ----
         <entry><literal>encode(E'123\\000\\001', 'base64')</literal></entry>
+       </row>
+        <entry>
+         <literal><function>format</function>(<parameter>formatstr</parameter> <type>text</type> 
+         [, <parameter>str</parameter> <type>"any"</type> [, ...] ])</literal>
+        </entry>
+        <entry><type>text</type></entry>
+        <entry>
+          This functions can be used to create a formated string or message. There are allowed
+          three types of tags: %s as string, %i as SQL identifiers and %l as SQL literals. Attention:
+          result for %i and %l must not be same as result of <function>quote_ident</function> and 
+          <function>quote_literal</function> functions, because this function doesn't try to coerce 
+          parameters to <type>text</type> type and directly use a type's output functions.
+        </entry>
+        <entry><literal>format('Hello %s', 'World')</literal></entry>
+        <entry><literal>Hello World</literal></entry>
+       </row>       
*** ./src/backend/utils/adt/varlena.c.orig	2010-09-29 07:16:25.744395786 +0200
--- ./src/backend/utils/adt/varlena.c	2010-09-29 09:51:39.340270718 +0200
*** 21,28 ****
--- 21,30 ----
  #include "libpq/md5.h"
  #include "libpq/pqformat.h"
  #include "miscadmin.h"
+ #include "parser/parse_coerce.h"
  #include "parser/scansup.h"
  #include "regex/regex.h"
+ #include "utils/array.h"
  #include "utils/builtins.h"
  #include "utils/bytea.h"
  #include "utils/lsyscache.h"
*** 48,53 ****
--- 50,61 ----
  	int			skiptable[256]; /* skip distance for given mismatched char */
  } TextPositionState;
+ typedef struct
+ {
+ 	int	n_valid_oids;
+ 	Oid	typoutput[FUNC_MAX_ARGS];
+ } format_fn_extra_cache;
  #define DatumGetUnknownP(X)			((unknown *) PG_DETOAST_DATUM(X))
  #define DatumGetUnknownPCopy(X)		((unknown *) PG_DETOAST_DATUM_COPY(X))
  #define PG_GETARG_UNKNOWN_P(n)		DatumGetUnknownP(PG_GETARG_DATUM(n))
*** 3702,3704 ****
--- 3710,3866 ----
+ /*
+  * Text format - a variadic function replaces %c symbols with entered text.
+  */
+ Datum
+ text_format(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
+ {
+ 	text	   *fmt;
+ 	StringInfoData		str;
+ 	char		*cp;
+ 	int			i = 1;
+ 	size_t		len;
+ 	char		*start_ptr;
+ 	char 			*end_ptr;
+ 	text	*result;
+ 	/* When format string is null, returns null */
+ 	if (PG_ARGISNULL(0))
+ 	fmt = PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(0);
+ 	len = VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(fmt);
+ 	start_ptr = VARDATA_ANY(fmt);
+ 	end_ptr = start_ptr + len - 1;
+ 	initStringInfo(&str);
+ 	for (cp = start_ptr; cp <= end_ptr; cp++)
+ 	{
+ 		/*
+ 		 * there are allowed escape char - '\'
+ 		 */
+ 		if (cp[0] == '\\')
+ 		{
+ 			/* check next char */
+ 			if (cp < end_ptr)
+ 			{
+ 				switch (cp[1])
+ 				{
+ 					case '\\':
+ 					case '%':
+ 						appendStringInfoChar(&str, cp[1]);
+ 						break;
+ 					default:
+ 						ereport(ERROR,
+ 							 errmsg("unsupported escape sequence \\%.*s", pg_mblen(&cp[1]), &cp[1])));
+ 				}
+ 				cp++;
+ 			}
+ 			else
+ 				ereport(ERROR,
+ 					 errmsg("broken escape sequence")));
+ 		}
+ 		else if (cp[0] == '%')
+ 		{
+ 			char 	tag;
+ 			/* initial check */
+ 			if (cp == end_ptr)
+ 				ereport(ERROR,
+ 					 errmsg("missing formating tag")));
+ 			if (i >= PG_NARGS())
+ 				ereport(ERROR,
+ 						 errmsg("too few parameters for format function")));
+ 			tag = cp[1];
+ 			cp++;
+ 			if (!PG_ARGISNULL(i))
+ 			{
+ 				Oid	valtype;
+ 				Datum	value;
+ 				Oid                     typoutput;
+ 				bool            typIsVarlena;
+ 				/* append n-th value */
+ 				value = PG_GETARG_DATUM(i);
+ 				valtype = get_fn_expr_argtype(fcinfo->flinfo, i);
+ 				getTypeOutputInfo(valtype, &typoutput, &typIsVarlena);
+ 				if (tag == 's')
+ 				{
+ 					/* show it as unspecified string */
+ 					appendStringInfoString(&str, OidOutputFunctionCall(typoutput, value));
+ 				}
+ 				else if (tag == 'i')
+ 				{
+ 					char *target_value;
+ 					/* show it as sql identifier */
+ 					target_value = OidOutputFunctionCall(typoutput, value);
+ 					appendStringInfoString(&str, quote_identifier(target_value));
+ 				}
+ 				else if (tag == 'l')
+ 				{
+ 					text *txt;
+ 					text *quoted_txt;
+ 					/* get text value and quotize */
+ 					txt = cstring_to_text(OidOutputFunctionCall(typoutput, value));
+ 					quoted_txt = DatumGetTextP(DirectFunctionCall1(quote_literal,
+ 													    PointerGetDatum(txt)));
+ 					appendStringInfoString(&str, text_to_cstring(quoted_txt));
+ 				}
+ 				else
+ 					ereport(ERROR,
+ 						 errmsg("unsupported tag \"%%%.*s\"", pg_mblen(cp), cp)));
+ 			}
+ 			else
+ 			{
+ 				if (tag == 'i')
+ 					ereport(ERROR,
+ 						 errmsg("NULL is used as SQL identifier")));
+ 				else if (tag == 'l')
+ 					appendStringInfoString(&str, "NULL");
+ 				else if (tag != 's')
+ 					ereport(ERROR,
+ 						 errmsg("unsupported tag \"%%%.*s\"", pg_mblen(cp), cp)));
+ 			}
+ 			i++;
+ 		}
+ 		else
+ 			appendStringInfoChar(&str, cp[0]);
+ 	}
+ 	/* check if all arguments are used */
+ 	if (i != PG_NARGS())
+ 		ereport(ERROR,
+ 				 errmsg("too many parameters for format function")));
+ 	result = cstring_to_text_with_len(str.data, str.len);
+ 	pfree(str.data);
+         PG_RETURN_TEXT_P(result);
+ }
+ /*
+  * Non variadic text_format function - only wrapper
+  *   Print and check format string
+  */
+ Datum
+ text_format_nv(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
+ {
+ 	return text_format(fcinfo);
+ }
*** ./src/include/catalog/pg_proc.h.orig	2010-09-03 03:34:55.000000000 +0200
--- ./src/include/catalog/pg_proc.h	2010-09-29 07:16:42.658395449 +0200
*** 2741,2746 ****
--- 2741,2750 ----
  DESCR("return the last n characters");
  DATA(insert OID = 3062 ( reverse	PGNSP PGUID 12 1 0 0 f f f t f i 1 0 25 "25" _null_ _null_ _null_ _null_  text_reverse  _null_ _null_ _null_ ));
  DESCR("reverse text");
+ DATA(insert OID = 3063 ( format		PGNSP PGUID 12 1 0 2276 f f f f f s 2 0 25 "25 2276" "{25,2276}" "{i,v}" _null_ _null_  text_format _null_ _null_ _null_ ));
+ DESCR("format text message");
+ DATA(insert OID = 3064 ( format		PGNSP PGUID 12 1 0 0 f f f f f s 1 0 25 "25" _null_ _null_ _null_ _null_  text_format_nv _null_ _null_ _null_ ));
+ DESCR("format text message");
  DATA(insert OID = 1810 (  bit_length	   PGNSP PGUID 14 1 0 0 f f f t f i 1 0 23 "17" _null_ _null_ _null_ _null_ "select pg_catalog.octet_length($1) * 8" _null_ _null_ _null_ ));
  DESCR("length in bits");
*** ./src/include/utils/builtins.h.orig	2010-09-03 03:34:55.000000000 +0200
--- ./src/include/utils/builtins.h	2010-09-29 07:16:42.661395833 +0200
*** 742,747 ****
--- 742,749 ----
  extern Datum text_left(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
  extern Datum text_right(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
  extern Datum text_reverse(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ extern Datum text_format(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ extern Datum text_format_nv(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
  /* version.c */
  extern Datum pgsql_version(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
*** ./src/test/regress/expected/text.out.orig	2010-09-29 07:16:25.749395800 +0200
--- ./src/test/regress/expected/text.out	2010-09-29 07:16:42.662395333 +0200
*** 118,120 ****
--- 118,139 ----
    5 | ahoj | ahoj
  (11 rows)
+ select format('some text');
+   format   
+ -----------
+  some text
+ (1 row)
+ select format('-- insert into %i (a,b,c) values(%l,%l,%l)', 'My tab', 'Hello', NULL, 10);
+                           format                           
+ -----------------------------------------------------------
+  -- insert into "My tab" (a,b,c) values('Hello',NULL,'10')
+ (1 row)
+ -- should fail
+ select format('-- insert into %i (a,b,c) values(%l,%l,%l)', NULL, 'Hello', NULL, 10);
+ ERROR:  NULL is used as SQL identifier
+ select format('-- insert into %i (a,b,c) values(%l,%l,%l)', 'My tab', NULL, 'Hello');
+ ERROR:  too few parameters for format function
+ select format('-- insert into %i (a,b,c) values(%l,%l,%l)', 'My tab', 'Hello', NULL, 10, 10);
+ ERROR:  too many parameters for format function
*** ./src/test/regress/sql/text.sql.orig	2010-09-29 07:16:25.751395218 +0200
--- ./src/test/regress/sql/text.sql	2010-09-29 07:16:42.662395333 +0200
*** 41,43 ****
--- 41,49 ----
  select concat_ws(NULL,10,20,null,30) is null;
  select reverse('abcde');
  select i, left('ahoj', i), right('ahoj', i) from generate_series(-5, 5) t(i) order by i;
+ select format('some text');
+ select format('-- insert into %i (a,b,c) values(%l,%l,%l)', 'My tab', 'Hello', NULL, 10);
+ -- should fail
+ select format('-- insert into %i (a,b,c) values(%l,%l,%l)', NULL, 'Hello', NULL, 10);
+ select format('-- insert into %i (a,b,c) values(%l,%l,%l)', 'My tab', NULL, 'Hello');
+ select format('-- insert into %i (a,b,c) values(%l,%l,%l)', 'My tab', 'Hello', NULL, 10, 10);
*** ./contrib/Makefile.orig	2010-06-14 18:17:56.000000000 +0200
--- ./contrib/Makefile	2010-09-29 08:14:37.569273826 +0200
*** 40,45 ****
--- 40,46 ----
  		pgstattuple	\
  		seg		\
  		spi		\
+ 		stringfunc	\
  		tablefunc	\
  		test_parser	\
  		tsearch2	\
*** ./contrib/stringfunc/expected/stringfunc.out.orig	2010-09-29 08:11:40.945271948 +0200
--- ./contrib/stringfunc/expected/stringfunc.out	2010-09-29 08:10:48.363270909 +0200
*** 0 ****
--- 1,101 ----
+ SET client_min_messages = warning;
+ \set ECHO none
+ RESET client_min_messages;
+ -- sprintf test
+ select sprintf('>>>%10s %10d<<<', 'hello', 10);
+            sprintf           
+ -----------------------------
+  >>>     hello         10<<<
+ (1 row)
+ select sprintf('>>>%-10s<<<', 'hello');
+      sprintf      
+ ------------------
+  >>>hello     <<<
+ (1 row)
+ select sprintf('>>>%5.2<<<', 'abcde');
+ ERROR:  unsupported sprintf format tag '<'
+ select sprintf('>>>%*s<<<', 10, 'abcdef');
+      sprintf      
+ ------------------
+  >>>    abcdef<<<
+ (1 row)
+ select sprintf('>>>%*s<<<', 10); -- error
+ ERROR:  too few parameters specified for printf function
+ select sprintf('%010d', 10);
+   sprintf   
+ ------------
+  0000000010
+ (1 row)
+ select sprintf('%.6d', 10);
+  sprintf 
+ ---------
+  000010
+ (1 row)
+ select sprintf('%d', 100.0/3.0);
+  sprintf 
+ ---------
+  33
+ (1 row)
+ select sprintf('%e', 100.0/3.0);
+    sprintf    
+ --------------
+  3.333333e+01
+ (1 row)
+ select sprintf('%f', 100.0/3.0);
+   sprintf  
+ -----------
+  33.333333
+ (1 row)
+ select sprintf('%g', 100.0/3.0);
+  sprintf 
+ ---------
+  33.3333
+ (1 row)
+ select sprintf('%7.4e', 100.0/3.0);
+   sprintf   
+ ------------
+  3.3333e+01
+ (1 row)
+ select sprintf('%7.4f', 100.0/3.0);
+  sprintf 
+ ---------
+  33.3333
+ (1 row)
+ select sprintf('%7.4g', 100.0/3.0);
+  sprintf 
+ ---------
+    33.33
+ (1 row)
+ select sprintf('%d', NULL);
+  sprintf 
+ ---------
+  <NULL>
+ (1 row)
+ select substitute('second parameter is $2 and first parameter is $1', 'FIRST', 'SECOND');
+                        substitute                        
+ ---------------------------------------------------------
+  second parameter is SECOND and first parameter is FIRST
+ (1 row)
+ -- should fail
+ select substitute('third parameter is $3 and first parameter is $1', 'FIRST', 'SECOND');
+ ERROR:  positional placeholder "$3" is not valid
+ select substitute(' NULL parameter is $1', NULL);
+         substitute         
+ ---------------------------
+   NULL parameter is <NULL>
+ (1 row)
*** ./contrib/stringfunc/Makefile.orig	2010-09-29 08:11:59.217397393 +0200
--- ./contrib/stringfunc/Makefile	2010-09-29 08:10:48.364270479 +0200
*** 0 ****
--- 1,20 ----
+ # $PostgreSQL: pgsql/contrib/stringfunc/Makefile,v 1.23 2009/08/28 20:26:18 petere Exp $
+ MODULE_big = stringfunc
+ OBJS= stringfunc.o
+ DATA_built = stringfunc.sql
+ DATA = uninstall_stringfunc.sql
+ REGRESS = stringfunc
+ ifdef USE_PGXS
+ PG_CONFIG = pg_config
+ PGXS := $(shell $(PG_CONFIG) --pgxs)
+ include $(PGXS)
+ else
+ subdir = contrib/stringfunc
+ top_builddir = ../..
+ include $(top_builddir)/src/Makefile.global
+ include $(top_srcdir)/contrib/contrib-global.mk
+ endif
*** ./contrib/stringfunc/sql/stringfunc.sql.orig	2010-09-29 08:11:52.441397426 +0200
--- ./contrib/stringfunc/sql/stringfunc.sql	2010-09-29 08:10:48.364270479 +0200
*** 0 ****
--- 1,28 ----
+ SET client_min_messages = warning;
+ \set ECHO none
+ \i stringfunc.sql
+ \set ECHO all
+ RESET client_min_messages;
+ -- sprintf test
+ select sprintf('>>>%10s %10d<<<', 'hello', 10);
+ select sprintf('>>>%-10s<<<', 'hello');
+ select sprintf('>>>%5.2<<<', 'abcde');
+ select sprintf('>>>%*s<<<', 10, 'abcdef');
+ select sprintf('>>>%*s<<<', 10); -- error
+ select sprintf('%010d', 10);
+ select sprintf('%.6d', 10);
+ select sprintf('%d', 100.0/3.0);
+ select sprintf('%e', 100.0/3.0);
+ select sprintf('%f', 100.0/3.0);
+ select sprintf('%g', 100.0/3.0);
+ select sprintf('%7.4e', 100.0/3.0);
+ select sprintf('%7.4f', 100.0/3.0);
+ select sprintf('%7.4g', 100.0/3.0);
+ select sprintf('%d', NULL);
+ select substitute('second parameter is $2 and first parameter is $1', 'FIRST', 'SECOND');
+ -- should fail
+ select substitute('third parameter is $3 and first parameter is $1', 'FIRST', 'SECOND');
+ select substitute(' NULL parameter is $1', NULL);
\ No newline at end of file
*** ./contrib/stringfunc/stringfunc.c.orig	2010-09-29 08:12:07.209397369 +0200
--- ./contrib/stringfunc/stringfunc.c	2010-09-29 09:42:33.306272084 +0200
*** 0 ****
--- 1,666 ----
+ #include "postgres.h"
+ #include "string.h"
+ #include "catalog/pg_type.h"
+ #include "lib/stringinfo.h"
+ #include "mb/pg_wchar.h"
+ #include "parser/parse_coerce.h"
+ #include "utils/array.h"
+ #include "utils/builtins.h"
+ #include "utils/lsyscache.h"
+ #define CHECK_PAD(symbol, pad_value)	\
+ do { \
+ 	if (pdesc->flags & pad_value)		\
+ 		ereport(ERROR,  	\
+ 				 errmsg("broken sprintf format"),          \
+ 				 errdetail("Format string is '%s'.", TextDatumGetCString(fmt)), \
+ 				 errhint("Symbol '%c' can be used only one time.", symbol))); \
+ 	pdesc->flags |= pad_value; \
+ } while(0);
+ /*
+  * string functions
+  */
+ Datum	stringfunc_sprintf(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ Datum	stringfunc_sprintf_nv(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ Datum	stringfunc_substitute(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ Datum	stringfunc_substitute_nv(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
+ /*
+  * V1 registrations
+  */
+ PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(stringfunc_sprintf);
+ PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(stringfunc_sprintf_nv);
+ PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(stringfunc_substitute);
+ PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(stringfunc_substitute_nv);
+ typedef enum {
+     stringfunc_ZERO       =   1,
+     stringfunc_SPACE      =   2,
+     stringfunc_PLUS       =   4,
+     stringfunc_MINUS      =   8,
+     stringfunc_STAR_WIDTH =  16,
+     stringfunc_SHARP      =  32,
+     stringfunc_WIDTH      =  64,
+     stringfunc_PRECISION  = 128,
+     stringfunc_STAR_PRECISION = 256
+ } PlaceholderTags;
+ typedef struct {
+ 	int	flags;
+ 	char		field_type;
+ 	char		lenmod;
+ 	int32		width;
+ 	int32		precision;
+ } FormatPlaceholderData;
+ typedef FormatPlaceholderData *PlaceholderDesc;
+ static Datum 
+ castValueTo(Datum value, Oid targetTypeId, Oid inputTypeId)
+ {
+ 	Oid		funcId;
+ 	CoercionPathType	pathtype;
+ 	FmgrInfo	finfo;
+ 	Datum	   result;
+ 	if (inputTypeId != UNKNOWNOID)
+ 		pathtype = find_coercion_pathway(targetTypeId, inputTypeId, 
+ 									&funcId);
+ 	else
+ 	switch (pathtype)
+ 	{
+ 			result = value;
+ 			break;
+ 			{
+ 				Assert(OidIsValid(funcId));
+ 				fmgr_info(funcId, &finfo);
+ 				result = FunctionCall1(&finfo, value);
+ 			}
+ 			break;
+ 			{
+ 				Oid                     typoutput;
+ 				Oid			typinput;
+ 				bool            typIsVarlena;
+ 				Oid		typIOParam;
+ 				char 	*extval;
+ 				getTypeOutputInfo(inputTypeId, &typoutput, &typIsVarlena);
+ 				extval = OidOutputFunctionCall(typoutput, value);
+ 				getTypeInputInfo(targetTypeId, &typinput, &typIOParam);
+ 				result = OidInputFunctionCall(typinput, extval, typIOParam, -1);
+ 			}
+ 			break;
+ 		default:
+ 			elog(ERROR, "failed to find conversion function from %s to %s",
+ 					format_type_be(inputTypeId), format_type_be(targetTypeId));
+ 			/* be compiler quiet */
+ 			result = (Datum) 0;
+ 	}
+ 	return result;
+ }
+ /*
+  * parse and verify sprintf parameter 
+  *
+  *      %[flags][width][.precision]specifier
+  *
+  */
+ static char *
+ parsePlaceholder(char *src, char *end_ptr, PlaceholderDesc pdesc, text *fmt)
+ {
+ 	char		c;
+ 	pdesc->field_type = '\0';
+ 	pdesc->lenmod = '\0';
+ 	pdesc->flags = 0;
+ 	pdesc->width = 0;
+ 	pdesc->precision = 0;
+ 	while (src < end_ptr && pdesc->field_type == '\0')
+ 	{
+ 		c = *++src;
+ 		switch (c)
+ 		{
+ 			case '0':
+ 				CHECK_PAD('0', stringfunc_ZERO);
+ 				break;
+ 			case ' ':
+ 				CHECK_PAD(' ', stringfunc_SPACE);
+ 				break;
+ 			case '+':
+ 				CHECK_PAD('+', stringfunc_PLUS);
+ 				break;
+ 			case '-':
+ 				CHECK_PAD('-', stringfunc_MINUS);
+ 				break;
+ 			case '*':
+ 				CHECK_PAD('*', stringfunc_STAR_WIDTH);
+ 				break;
+ 			case '#':
+ 				CHECK_PAD('#', stringfunc_SHARP);
+ 				break;
+ 			case 'o': case 'i': case 'e': case 'E': case 'f': 
+ 			case 'g': case 'd': case 's': case 'x': case 'X': 
+ 				pdesc->field_type = *src;
+ 				break;
+ 			case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
+ 			case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
+ 				CHECK_PAD('9', stringfunc_WIDTH);
+ 				pdesc->width = c - '0';
+ 				while (src < end_ptr && isdigit(src[1]))
+ 					pdesc->width = pdesc->width * 10 + *++src - '0';
+ 				break;
+ 			case '.':
+ 				if (src < end_ptr)
+ 				{
+ 					if (src[1] == '*')
+ 					{
+ 						CHECK_PAD('.', stringfunc_STAR_PRECISION);
+ 						src++;
+ 					}
+ 					else
+ 					{
+ 						/*
+ 						 * when no one digit is entered, then precision
+ 						 * is zero - digits are optional.
+ 						 */
+ 						CHECK_PAD('.', stringfunc_PRECISION);
+ 						while (src < end_ptr && isdigit(src[1]))
+ 						{
+ 							pdesc->precision = pdesc->precision * 10 + *++src - '0';
+ 						}
+ 					}
+ 				}
+ 				else 
+ 					ereport(ERROR,
+ 							 errmsg("broken sprintf format"),
+ 							 errdetail("missing precision value")));
+ 				break;
+ 			default:
+ 				ereport(ERROR,
+ 					 errmsg("unsupported sprintf format tag '%.*s'", pg_mblen(src), src)));
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ 	if (pdesc->field_type == '\0')
+ 		ereport(ERROR,
+ 				 errmsg("broken sprintf format")));
+ 	return src;
+ }
+ static char *
+ currentFormat(StringInfo str, PlaceholderDesc pdesc)
+ {
+ 	resetStringInfo(str);
+ 	appendStringInfoChar(str,'%');
+ 	if (pdesc->flags & stringfunc_ZERO)
+ 		appendStringInfoChar(str, '0');
+ 	if (pdesc->flags & stringfunc_MINUS)
+ 		appendStringInfoChar(str, '-');
+ 	if (pdesc->flags & stringfunc_PLUS)
+ 		appendStringInfoChar(str, '+');
+ 	if (pdesc->flags & stringfunc_SPACE)
+ 		appendStringInfoChar(str, ' ');
+ 	if (pdesc->flags & stringfunc_SHARP)
+ 		appendStringInfoChar(str, '#');
+ 	if ((pdesc->flags & stringfunc_WIDTH) || (pdesc->flags & stringfunc_STAR_WIDTH))
+ 		appendStringInfoChar(str, '*');
+ 	if ((pdesc->flags & stringfunc_PRECISION) || (pdesc->flags & stringfunc_STAR_PRECISION))
+ 		appendStringInfoString(str, ".*");
+ 	/* Append l or ll. Decision is based on value of INT64_FORMAT */
+ 	if (pdesc->lenmod == 'l')
+ 	{
+ 		if (strcmp(INT64_FORMAT, "%lld") == 0)
+ 			appendStringInfoString(str, "ll");
+ 		else
+ 			appendStringInfoString(str, "l");
+ 	}
+ 	else if (pdesc->lenmod != '\0')
+ 		appendStringInfoChar(str, pdesc->lenmod);
+ 	appendStringInfoChar(str, pdesc->field_type);
+ 	return str->data;
+ }
+ /*
+  * simulate %+width.precion%s format of sprintf function 
+  */
+ static void 
+ append_string(StringInfo str,  PlaceholderDesc pdesc, char *string)
+ {
+ 	int	nchars = 0;				/* length of substring in chars */
+ 	int	binlen = 0;				/* length of substring in bytes */
+ 	/*
+ 	 * apply precision - it means "show only first n chars", for strings - this flag is 
+ 	 * ignored for proprietary tags %lq and iq, because we can't to show a first n chars 
+ 	 * from possible quoted value. 
+ 	 */
+ 	if (pdesc->flags & stringfunc_PRECISION && pdesc->field_type != 'q')
+ 	{
+ 		char *ptr = string;
+ 		int	  len = pdesc->precision;
+ 		if (pg_database_encoding_max_length() > 1)
+ 		{
+ 			while (*ptr && len > 0)
+ 			{
+ 				ptr += pg_mblen(ptr);
+ 				len--;
+ 				nchars++;
+ 			}
+ 		}
+ 		else
+ 		{
+ 			while (*ptr && len > 0)
+ 			{
+ 				ptr++;
+ 				len--;
+ 				nchars++;
+ 			}
+ 		}
+ 		binlen = ptr - string;
+ 	}
+ 	else
+ 	{
+ 		/* there isn't precion specified, show complete string */
+ 		nchars = pg_mbstrlen(string);
+ 		binlen = strlen(string);
+ 	}
+ 	/* when width is specified, then we have to solve left or right align */
+ 	if (pdesc->flags & stringfunc_WIDTH)
+ 	{
+ 		if (pdesc->width > nchars)
+ 		{
+ 			/* add neccessary spaces to begin or end */
+ 			if (pdesc->flags & stringfunc_MINUS)
+ 			{
+ 				/* allign to left */
+ 				appendBinaryStringInfo(str, string, binlen);
+ 				appendStringInfoSpaces(str, pdesc->width - nchars);
+ 			}
+ 			else
+ 			{
+ 				/* allign to right */
+ 				appendStringInfoSpaces(str, pdesc->width - nchars);
+ 				appendBinaryStringInfo(str, string, binlen);
+ 			}
+ 		}
+ 		else
+ 			/* just copy result to output */
+ 			appendBinaryStringInfo(str, string, binlen);
+ 	}
+ 	else
+ 		/* just copy result to output */
+ 		appendBinaryStringInfo(str, string, binlen);
+ }
+ /*
+  * Set width and precision when they are defined dynamicaly
+  */
+ static 
+ int setWidthAndPrecision(PlaceholderDesc pdesc, FunctionCallInfoData *fcinfo, int current)
+ {
+ 	/* 
+ 	 * don't allow ambiguous definition
+ 	 */
+ 	if ((pdesc->flags & stringfunc_WIDTH) && (pdesc->flags & stringfunc_STAR_WIDTH))
+ 		ereport(ERROR,
+ 				 errmsg("broken sprintf format"),
+ 				 errdetail("ambiguous width definition")));
+ 	if ((pdesc->flags & stringfunc_PRECISION) && (pdesc->flags & stringfunc_STAR_PRECISION))
+ 		ereport(ERROR,
+ 				 errmsg("broken sprintf format"),
+ 				 errdetail("ambiguous precision definition")));
+ 	if (pdesc->flags & stringfunc_STAR_WIDTH)
+ 	{
+ 		if (current >= PG_NARGS())
+ 			ereport(ERROR,
+ 					 errmsg("too few parameters specified for printf function")));
+ 		if (PG_ARGISNULL(current))
+ 			ereport(ERROR,
+ 				 errmsg("null value not allowed"),
+ 				 errhint("width (%dth) arguments is NULL", current)));
+ 		pdesc->width = DatumGetInt32(castValueTo(PG_GETARG_DATUM(current), INT4OID, 
+ 									get_fn_expr_argtype(fcinfo->flinfo, current)));
+ 		/* reset flag */
+ 		pdesc->flags ^= stringfunc_STAR_WIDTH;
+ 		pdesc->flags |= stringfunc_WIDTH;
+ 		current += 1;
+ 	}
+ 	if (pdesc->flags & stringfunc_STAR_PRECISION)
+ 	{
+ 		if (current >= PG_NARGS())
+ 			ereport(ERROR,
+ 					 errmsg("too few parameters specified for printf function")));
+ 		if (PG_ARGISNULL(current))
+ 			ereport(ERROR,
+ 				 errmsg("null value not allowed"),
+ 				 errhint("width (%dth) arguments is NULL", current)));
+ 		pdesc->precision = DatumGetInt32(castValueTo(PG_GETARG_DATUM(current), INT4OID, 
+ 									get_fn_expr_argtype(fcinfo->flinfo, current)));
+ 		/* reset flags */
+ 		pdesc->flags ^= stringfunc_STAR_PRECISION;
+ 		pdesc->flags |= stringfunc_PRECISION;
+ 		current += 1;
+ 	}
+ 	return current;
+ }
+ /*
+  * sprintf function - it is wrapper for libc vprintf function
+  *
+  *    ensure PostgreSQL -> C casting
+  */
+ Datum
+ stringfunc_sprintf(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
+ {
+ 	text	   *fmt;
+ 	StringInfoData   str;
+ 	StringInfoData   format_str;
+ 	char		*cp;
+ 	int			i = 1;
+ 	size_t		len;
+ 	char		*start_ptr,
+ 				*end_ptr;
+ 	FormatPlaceholderData		pdesc;
+ 	text *result;
+ 	Oid                     typoutput;
+ 	bool            typIsVarlena;
+ 	Datum 	value;
+ 	Oid valtype;
+ 	/* When format string is null, returns null */
+ 	if (PG_ARGISNULL(0))
+ 	fmt = PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(0);
+ 	len = VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(fmt);
+ 	start_ptr = VARDATA_ANY(fmt);
+ 	end_ptr = start_ptr + len - 1;
+ 	initStringInfo(&str);
+ 	initStringInfo(&format_str);
+ 	for (cp = start_ptr; cp <= end_ptr; cp++)
+ 	{
+ 		if (cp[0] == '%')
+ 		{
+ 			/* when cp is not pointer on last char, check %% */
+ 			if (cp < end_ptr && cp[1] == '%')
+ 			{
+ 				appendStringInfoChar(&str, cp[1]);
+ 				cp++;
+ 				continue;
+ 			}
+ 			cp = parsePlaceholder(cp, end_ptr, &pdesc, fmt);
+ 			i = setWidthAndPrecision(&pdesc, fcinfo, i);
+ 			if (i >= PG_NARGS())
+ 				ereport(ERROR,
+ 						 errmsg("too few parameters specified for printf function")));
+ 			if (!PG_ARGISNULL(i))
+ 			{
+ 				/* append n-th value */
+ 				value = PG_GETARG_DATUM(i);
+ 				valtype = get_fn_expr_argtype(fcinfo->flinfo, i);
+ 				/* convert value to target type */
+ 				switch (pdesc.field_type)
+ 				{
+ 					case 'o': case 'd': case 'i': case 'x': case 'X':
+ 						{
+ 							int64	target_value;
+ 							const char 		*format;
+ 							pdesc.lenmod = 'l';
+ 							target_value = DatumGetInt64(castValueTo(value, INT8OID, valtype));
+ 							format = currentFormat(&format_str, &pdesc);
+ 							if ((pdesc.flags & stringfunc_WIDTH) && (pdesc.flags & stringfunc_PRECISION))
+ 								appendStringInfo(&str, format, pdesc.width, pdesc.precision, target_value);
+ 							else if (pdesc.flags & stringfunc_WIDTH)
+ 								appendStringInfo(&str, format, pdesc.width, target_value);
+ 							else if (pdesc.flags & stringfunc_PRECISION)
+ 								appendStringInfo(&str, format, pdesc.precision, target_value);
+ 							else
+ 								appendStringInfo(&str, format, target_value);
+ 						}
+ 						break;
+ 					case 'e': case 'f': case 'g': case 'G': case 'E':
+ 						{
+ 							float8	target_value;
+ 							const char 		*format;
+ 							target_value = DatumGetFloat8(castValueTo(value, FLOAT8OID, valtype));
+ 							format = currentFormat(&format_str, &pdesc);
+ 							if ((pdesc.flags & stringfunc_WIDTH) && (pdesc.flags & stringfunc_PRECISION))
+ 								appendStringInfo(&str, format, pdesc.width, pdesc.precision, target_value);
+ 							else if (pdesc.flags & stringfunc_WIDTH)
+ 								appendStringInfo(&str, format, pdesc.width, target_value);
+ 							else if (pdesc.flags & stringfunc_PRECISION)
+ 								appendStringInfo(&str, format, pdesc.precision, target_value);
+ 							else
+ 								appendStringInfo(&str, format, target_value);
+ 						}
+ 						break;
+ 					case 's':
+ 						{
+ 							char		*target_value;
+ 							getTypeOutputInfo(valtype, &typoutput, &typIsVarlena);
+ 							target_value = OidOutputFunctionCall(typoutput, value);
+ 							append_string(&str, &pdesc, target_value);
+ 							pfree(target_value);
+ 						}
+ 						break;
+ 					default:
+ 						/* don't be happen - formats are checked in parsing stage */
+ 						elog(ERROR, "unknown format: %c", pdesc.field_type);
+ 				}
+ 			}
+ 			else
+ 				/* append a NULL string */
+ 				append_string(&str, &pdesc, "<NULL>");
+ 			i++;
+ 		}
+ 		else
+ 			appendStringInfoChar(&str, cp[0]);
+ 	}
+ 	/* check if all arguments are used */
+ 	if (i != PG_NARGS())
+ 		ereport(ERROR,
+ 				 errmsg("too many parameters for printf function")));
+ 	result = cstring_to_text_with_len(str.data, str.len);
+ 	pfree(str.data);
+ 	pfree(format_str.data);
+ 	PG_RETURN_TEXT_P(result);
+ }
+ /*
+  * only wrapper
+  */
+ Datum
+ stringfunc_sprintf_nv(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
+ {
+ 	return stringfunc_sprintf(fcinfo);
+ }
+ /*
+  * Substitute a positional parameters by value
+  */
+ Datum
+ stringfunc_substitute(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
+ {
+ 	text	   *fmt;
+ 	StringInfoData		str;
+ 	char		*cp;
+ 	size_t		len;
+ 	char		*start_ptr;
+ 	char		*end_ptr;
+ 	text	*result;
+ 	ArrayType *array;
+ 	Oid			elmtype;
+ 	int16		elmlen;
+ 	bool		elmbyval;
+ 	char		elmalign;
+ 	int			num_elems = 0;
+ 	Datum	   *elem_values;
+ 	bool	   *elem_nulls;
+ 	fmt = PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(0);
+ 	len = VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(fmt);
+ 	start_ptr = VARDATA_ANY(fmt);
+ 	end_ptr = start_ptr + len - 1;
+ 	if (PG_NARGS() == 2)
+ 	{
+ 		array = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(1);
+ 		elmtype = ARR_ELEMTYPE(array);
+ 		get_typlenbyvalalign(elmtype, &elmlen, &elmbyval, &elmalign);
+ 		deconstruct_array(array, elmtype,
+ 						  elmlen, elmbyval, elmalign,
+ 						  &elem_values, &elem_nulls,
+ 						  &num_elems);
+ 	}
+ 	initStringInfo(&str);
+ 	for (cp = start_ptr; cp <= end_ptr; cp++)
+ 	{
+ 		/*
+ 		 * there are allowed escape char - '\'
+ 		 */
+ 		if (cp[0] == '\\')
+ 		{
+ 			/* check next char */
+ 			if (cp < end_ptr)
+ 			{
+ 				switch (cp[1])
+ 				{
+ 					case '\\':
+ 					case '$':
+ 						appendStringInfoChar(&str, cp[1]);
+ 						break;
+ 					default:
+ 						/* 
+ 						 * because unsupported symbols should be a multibyte chars,
+ 						 * we cannot to use a %c formating. We have take a complete
+ 						 * multibyte char length and show it via %.*s.
+ 						 */
+ 						ereport(ERROR,
+ 							 errmsg("unsuported escape sequence \"\\%.*s\"", pg_mblen(&cp[1]), &cp[1])));
+ 				}
+ 				cp++;
+ 			}
+ 			else
+ 				elog(ERROR, "broken escape sequence");
+ 		}
+ 		else if (cp[0] == '$')
+ 		{
+ 			long pos;
+ 			char *endptr;
+ 			/* initial check */
+ 			if (cp == end_ptr)
+ 				ereport(ERROR,
+ 						 errmsg("missing a parameter position specification")));
+ 			if (!isdigit(cp[1]))
+ 				ereport(ERROR,
+ 						 errmsg("expected a numeric value")));
+ 			pos = strtol(&cp[1], &endptr, 10);
+ 			cp = endptr - 1;
+ 			if (pos < 1 || pos > num_elems)
+ 				ereport(ERROR,
+ 					 errmsg("positional placeholder \"$%ld\" is not valid", pos)));
+ 			if (!elem_nulls[pos - 1])
+ 				appendStringInfoString(&str,  text_to_cstring(DatumGetTextP(elem_values[pos - 1])));
+ 			else
+ 				appendStringInfoString(&str, "<NULL>");
+ 		}
+ 		else
+ 			appendStringInfoChar(&str, cp[0]);
+ 	}
+ 	result = cstring_to_text_with_len(str.data, str.len);
+ 	pfree(str.data);
+ 	PG_RETURN_TEXT_P(result);
+ }
+ /*
+  * Non variadic text_substitute function - only wrapper
+  *   Print and check format string
+  */
+ Datum
+ stringfunc_substitute_nv(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
+ {
+ 	return stringfunc_substitute(fcinfo);
+ }
*** ./contrib/stringfunc/stringfunc.sql.in.orig	2010-09-29 08:12:51.329397362 +0200
--- ./contrib/stringfunc/stringfunc.sql.in	2010-09-29 08:10:48.366270806 +0200
*** 0 ****
--- 1,25 ----
+ /* $PostgreSQL: pgsql/contrib/stringfunc/stringfunc.sql.in,v 1.25 2009/06/11 18:30:03 tgl Exp $ */
+ -- Adjust this setting to control where the objects get created.
+ SET search_path = public;
+ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION sprintf(fmt text, VARIADIC args "any")
+ RETURNS text 
+ AS '$libdir/stringfunc','stringfunc_sprintf'
+ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION sprintf(fmt text)
+ RETURNS text 
+ AS '$libdir/stringfunc','stringfunc_sprintf_nv'
+ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION substitute(fmt text, VARIADIC args text[])
+ RETURNS text 
+ AS '$libdir/stringfunc','stringfunc_substitute'
+ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION substitute(fmt text)
+ RETURNS text 
+ AS '$libdir/stringfunc','stringfunc_substitute_nv'
*** ./contrib/stringfunc/uninstall_stringfunc.sql.orig	2010-09-29 08:12:56.353273675 +0200
--- ./contrib/stringfunc/uninstall_stringfunc.sql	2010-09-29 08:10:48.366270806 +0200
*** 0 ****
--- 1,10 ----
+ /* $PostgreSQL: pgsql/contrib/stringfunc/uninstall_stringfunc.sql,v 1.8 2008/04/14 17:05:32 tgl Exp $ */
+ -- Adjust this setting to control where the objects get dropped.
+ SET search_path = public;
+ DROP FUNCTION sprintf(fmt text, VARIADIC args "any");
+ DROP FUNCTION sprintf(fmt text);
+ DROP FUNCTION substitute(fmt text, VARIADIC args text[]);
+ DROP FUNCTION substitute(fmt text);
*** ./doc/src/sgml/contrib.sgml.orig	2010-09-29 08:10:11.529398663 +0200
--- ./doc/src/sgml/contrib.sgml	2010-09-29 08:10:48.367270236 +0200
*** 115,120 ****
--- 115,121 ----
+  &stringfunc;
*** ./doc/src/sgml/filelist.sgml.orig	2010-09-29 08:10:11.530395997 +0200
--- ./doc/src/sgml/filelist.sgml	2010-09-29 08:10:48.367270236 +0200
*** 127,132 ****
--- 127,133 ----
  <!entity seg             SYSTEM "seg.sgml">
  <!entity contrib-spi     SYSTEM "contrib-spi.sgml">
  <!entity sslinfo         SYSTEM "sslinfo.sgml">
+ <!entity stringfunc      SYSTEM "stringfunc.sgml">
  <!entity tablefunc       SYSTEM "tablefunc.sgml">
  <!entity test-parser     SYSTEM "test-parser.sgml">
  <!entity tsearch2        SYSTEM "tsearch2.sgml">
*** ./doc/src/sgml/stringfunc.sgml.orig	2010-09-29 08:42:33.899272275 +0200
--- ./doc/src/sgml/stringfunc.sgml	2010-09-29 09:04:00.493270789 +0200
*** 0 ****
--- 1,67 ----
+ <!-- $PostgreSQL: pgsql/doc/src/sgml/stringfunc.sgml,v 1.2 2008/09/12 18:29:49 tgl Exp $ -->
+ <sect1 id="stringfunc">
+  <title>stringfunc</title>
+  <indexterm zone="stringfunc">
+   <primary>stringfunc</primary>
+  </indexterm>
+  <para>
+   The <filename>stringfunc</> module provides a additional function
+   for operation over strings. These functions can be used as patter
+   for developing a variadic functions.
+  </para>
+  <sect2>
+   <title>How to Use It</title>
+   <para>
+    Here's a simple example of usage:
+   <programlisting>
+    SELECT sprintf('formated number: %10d',10);
+    SELECT substitute('file '$1' doesn''t exists', '/var/log/applog');
+   </programlisting>
+   </para>
+  </sect2>
+  <sect2>
+   <title><filename>stringfunc</> Functions and Operators</title>
+   <table id="stringfunc-func-table">
+    <title><filename>stringfunc</> Functions</title>
+    <tgroup cols="5">
+     <thead>
+      <row>
+       <entry>Function</entry>
+       <entry>Return Type</entry>
+       <entry>Description</entry>
+       <entry>Example</entry>
+       <entry>Result</entry>
+      </row>
+     </thead>
+     <tbody>
+      <row>
+       <entry><function>sprintf(formatstr [, params])</function></entry>
+       <entry><type>text</type></entry>
+       <entry>simplyfied version of libc sprintf function - it doesn't support 
+       positional parameters and it will do necessary conversions automaticaly.</entry>
+       <entry><literal>sprintf('Hello %10s','World')</literal></entry>
+       <entry><literal>Hello      World</literal></entry>
+      </row>
+      <row>
+       <entry><function>substitute(formatstr [, params])</function></entry>
+       <entry><type>text</type></entry>
+       <entry>replace a positional placeholers like $n by params</entry>
+       <entry><literal>substitute('$1,$2,$2,$1','A','B');</literal></entry>
+       <entry><literal>A,B,B,A</literal></entry>
+      </row>
+     </tbody>
+    </tgroup>
+   </table>
+  </sect2>
+ </sect1>
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