On 09/27/2010 10:08 AM, Robert Haas wrote:
The thing about the parameters for synchronous replication that is a
little different is that you need a whole set of parameters *for each
standby*.  There's not a terribly clean way to handle that in
postgresql.conf as it exists today, but getting any agreement on
non-trivial changes to postgresql.conf has proven to be next to
impossible, despite the fact that AFAICT approximately no one is happy
with the status quo.

Huh? Since when? I thought the whole "standby registration on the master" discussion was still ongoing. And if we don't have a clean format to do that in postgresql.conf, we don't have one anywhere else, either.

As far as each standby is concerned, there's absolutely no reason not to have all the standby parameters in postgresql.conf. The one and only thing we'd need to deal with is how the standby writes a bit to indicate that it has failed over and is no longer a standby ... probably the simplest idea is to simply leave the trigger file in place.

I am opposed to any solution to configuring sync rep which involves PostgreSQL having multiple configuration files in multiple different formats. All of our configuration files should be in the exact same format, and ideally there should only be one configuration file. There is no DBA or sysadmin on Earth who would appreciate having to edit one file in param=val format, and a second file in JSON or XML.

A good compromise with historical formats is to use Apache HTTPD's approach, which supports both simple param=val declarations, and also simple blocks. Assuming we need to configure the standbys on the master at all, which has not yet been decided on this list AFAIK.

                                  -- Josh Berkus
                                     PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

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