Tom Lane wrote:
> Andreas Scherbaum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Justin Clift wrote:
> >> Did we reach an opinion as to whether we'll include GPL'd code?
> >>
> >> My vote is to not include this code, as it just muddies the water with
> >> PostgreSQL being BSD based.
> > Hmm, there's enough GPL'ed stuff in contrib/ ;-)
> Indeed, the core committee recently agreed that we should try to ensure
> that the whole distribution is under the same BSD license.  I have a
> TODO item to contact the authors of the existing GPL'd contrib modules,
> and if possible get them to agree to relicense.  If not, those modules
> will be removed from contrib.
> There are other possible homes for contrib modules whose authors
> strongly prefer GPL.  For example, Red Hat's add-ons for Postgres will
> be GPL (per corporate policy), and I expect that they'd be willing to
> host contrib modules.  But the core distribution will be straight BSD
> to avoid license confusion.

I have to excuse myself, because i think, i did a mistake.
Yes, my first intention was to make it GPL, but i do not stick to it.

On the other hand, i copied some parts from contrib/noupdate (there'e no
licence in the readme) and now i think, this is contributed under BSD
I'm sure or i'm wrong? I think, i have to change the licence.
Who is the author of the noupdate module and can anybody tell me,
whats in this case the right (or left) license?

Best regards

                                  Andreas 'ads' Scherbaum

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